Upcoming Meetup: How to Build a Scalable Application? Introducing Repluggable

Wix Engineering
Wix Engineering
Published in
2 min readOct 15, 2020

For the past years, we’ve been building large and complex applications at Wix.
As a product grows, it usually becomes more challenging to manage.

  • How do you keep the velocity?
  • Can you have a specific team develop and deploy only a part of an application?
  • What if you want to reuse code in multiple products?
    How do you build to scale while keeping cross-cutting concerns easy to control?
  • How do you create various experiences for the same product?
  • How can you replace a specific module without compromising product integrity?

After we’ve accumulated substantial mileage in creating these applications we’ve decided to systematically address those pain points with Repluggable, our new micro frontends framework. It introduces a robust foundation of developing for modularity and scale from the start, with strong design principles and inversion of control.

Join us to hear more about how this solution works. It’s open-sourced — so you can use it too: How to Build a Scalable Application? Introducing Repluggable

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Wix Engineering
Wix Engineering

Wix Engineering. We develop innovative cloud-based web applications that influence our Wix.com 150M+ users worldwide