Video: A Sneak Peek into Wix Frontend Dev Tools

Wix Engineering
Wix Engineering
Published in
Jul 20, 2022
Photo by Matt Artz on Unsplash

At Wix, we have more than 700 FED developers, with many new projects coming in every month.

However, with every new project and every joining developer — boilerplate numbers are going up while our dev velocity is going down.

So, how do you scale, reduce boilerplate and supply tools that make the developers’ work much more efficient? This is where the FED infra team comes into play. In this talk, Yaniv Efraim is introducing Yoshi.

Yoshi is the tool we developed at Infra FED that makes the developers’ life much, much, easier — from generating new projects, to building the code, running tests, and more. Wacth:



Wix Engineering
Wix Engineering

Wix Engineering. We develop innovative cloud-based web applications that influence our 150M+ users worldwide