Demo Reel — A Perception!

Reno K Subramaniam
Published in
2 min readJun 29, 2017

Time changes fast and so as the expectations of the Industry. There’s a huge bunch of useful articles on demo-reel do’s and dont’s in the Internet . In this article, we will discuss on how to set in your perception about demo-reels.

Creation Is My Identity!

Demo-reel is the pseudo you for Employers! What you create becomes a mark of your capability. You cannot afford to send wrong signals about your skills through a bad showcase.

Choose Your Specialization!

Don’t leave your employer confused! You may be a jack of all trades, but are you a master in at-least one? is the question. Clearly demonstrate your specialized skills, do not demonstrate too many things in one demo-reel.

Quantity Vs Quality!

Its a common belief among students the more I create, the better I am, Its a big myth. You can impress the employer with just one work. If the first 10 seconds of your demo-reel could catch attention & becomes irresistible to pause or to skip, you are done. Doing less with utmost quality is what matters the most for an employer.

Keep It Simple Silly!

Have a neat simple Title Card. Avoid bad, dynamic transitions. Let the music be suitable, soothing to your showcase and not your favorite rock numbers.



Reno K Subramaniam
Editor for

Creative Writer. Story Teller. Identity keeps changing with time, when nothing remains we become Immortal.