How we save time on software development using bash aliases?

Shashank Agrawal
Published in
2 min readMay 12, 2019

We at WizPanda, as a software engineer & developers, we believe in saving time, although in seconds, but matters!

A snap of some of the aliases

To make it short, read what is & how to configure the bash aliases, read An Introduction to Useful Bash Aliases and Functions.

Here are the different aliases used for the different frameworks, library & commands.

Ionic, Cordova & Angular (and their base — npm)

We love Ionic Framework (along with Cordova) and Angular and we use their commands a lot. For which we use the following bash aliases:

Gradle & Grails

Most of our backend applications are based on Grails Framework which uses Gradle underneath. We use aliases for them as well:

alias r='grails run-app'
alias c='grails clean'
alias ver='sdk use grails'
alias gcomp='grails compile'
alias grdiff='grails dbm-gorm-diff'
alias t='grails test-app'
alias gw='./gradlew '


Well, we always try to exploit git internally to make every effort count, save each character change for future reference and of course to version control our hundreds of repositories. Here is a long list of aliases that we use internally


alias fb='firebase'
alias fbd='firebase deploy'

MySQL & MongoDB

alias sql='mysql -u root -proot'
alias sqld='$WORK/shelltools/private-scripts/mysqldump'
alias m='mongo'
alias md='mongodump --db'
alias mr='mongorestore'

Of course, this is not the end, we have more list of aliases that we use but it’s always good to save 1–5 seconds on each command which sums up to an hour if you look at a different perspective.

See a list of aliases & scripts we use

Happy coding!

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Shashank Agrawal

Serial Entrepreneur | Founder / CTO @ Cooee® — AI-driven Personalised Notifications platform for Better Customer Engagement.