wizQ Insights #8

Handpicked articles on social and mobile games in Japan, China and beyond.

Welcome to wizQ Insights! Every week, our team pulls together the most interesting links related to social and mobile games in Japan, China and beyond and share them with friends like you. If you’re not interested in receiving this, you can unsubscribe below. No hard feelings.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or recommendations for us, feel free to reply to the email. Happy reading!

- Marcus Kay
Founder @ wizQ

PS. I’d also like to congratulate our partner Stella Games on the recent launch of the game Monster Wheel (モンスターウェールズ) in Japan! I’m looking forward to more awesome game launches in the near future.


Tencent preparing to take over Clash of Clans developer, Supercell

Image: public domain

After investing in Riot Games, Epic Games, Activision Blizzard, Glu Mobile and Pocket Gems, China’s Tencent wants Supercell this time. Who will be next? (By Chris Kerr, Gamasutra)

This Chinese Game Looks Awfully A Lot Like Blizzard’s Overwatch

Image: ubergizmo

Knockoffs and rip-offs are so common in China that sometimes they come even faster than the original product. This post shows you the newest shameless clone in town. (By Tyler Lee, ubergizmo)


What UX designers can learn from 1990s Japanese video games

Image: TechCrunch

This interesting post compares the UX of the 1990s Japanese video games with the modern UX design and shows you the UX evolution over time. (By Benjamin Brandall, TechCrunch)

Minecraft finally comes to Wii U — with help from Super Mario

Image: South China Morning Post

ou just can’t stop Minecraft from releasing on every gaming platform and market. This time, it comes to Wii U, and it also comes with Super Mario! (By Tribune News Service, SCMP)

Mobile Marketing

9 Growth Hacks That Will Spark An App Download Frenzy

Image: Zapporoo

Do you want to drive more downloads of your app? Check out this awesome list of growth hacks and see if you can do them all. (By Ron Medlin, Zapporoo)

Generate Mobile App Mockups For Free

Image: Dunnnk

This site, Dunnnk, helps you generate beautiful product mockups of your mobile app. Just upload your screenshot and you’ll get a high-resolution mockup in return. Lots of them are free. You will be proud of showing your app with these images.

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P.S. Wanna ride on the big wave of the Chinese mobile market?

Click here to get a FREE Chinese Market Adaptation Review of Your App

Click here to read the 7 Mistakes Mobile Devs Must Avoid in China

Click here to get the Case Study: How to Grow Your Mobile App by 1478%

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4 Big Ways Apple Beats Android in China… and why Clash of Clans failed

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Top 4 Marketing Tips for Publishing Your Mobile App & Game in China

6 Social Media Hacks for Publishing Your Mobile App & Game in China

Indie Games are on the Rise in Chinese App Store

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