wizQ Insights #2

Handpicked articles on social and mobile games in Japan, China and beyond.

Thanks to everyone who gave us feedback on our first newsletter last week. We’re glad that it was such a hit!

This week, we will present an exclusive offer of our cloud server hosting service with a monthly cost saving up to US$5,000 (or a total US$50,000 till Feb 2017). This offer is not limited to our partners. Anyone is eligible to use the hosting for your own projects too! Check out the details down below.

I’d also like to congratulate our partner Overgamez on the recent launch of the game Project “Restoration” (プロジェクトレストレーション) in Japan! We’re so excited to see that the Japanese players can now enjoy such a high-quality farm game. I’m really looking forward to more awesome game launches with our partners in the near future.

- Marcus Kay
Founder @ wizQ


Western game in China’s top chart — Space Marshals by Pixelbite

There are many top-down shooters in the Chinese App Store but Space Marshals’ my favorite. The game has the best eye-candy and deepest gameplay. The environment has very high details and the high-definition animation is really well-made. I enjoy how I have more than one way to complete my missions. I can gun down the enemies straight up like Terminator or I can assassinate the enemies silently like Solid Snake. There are also many weapons for me to choose from, and I had fun trying out different combos of weapons.

In China without your wallet? No worries. Just use your phone

From street hawkers to fine-dinning, CNN’s Will Ripley tours Beijing without his wallet and finds he can still buy anything he wants by just using his phone. Check out this post to see how China is leading the trend of the world’s mobile payment.


How to Donate and Help Victims of 2016 Earthquake

Though this is not about games, we really want to shout it out. Last week, Japan has been rocked by two deadly earthquakes near the city of Kumamoto, including a 7.0-magnitude earthquake and over 750 aftershocks. Rescuers are still struggling to locate survivors. Do you also like to help? Click here for a few easy ways that you can help the victims of the Japan earthquakes.

mixi’s mobile game Monster Strike collected donations of 90K dollars for Kyushu earthquake in three days

This is a good example of how game developers can contribute to the society in a positive way. On the other hand, messaging application LINE started the sale of the charity stickers of the Kyushu earthquake in Japan. Users can buy these in sticker shop in the application and LINE STORE of the Web. If you use LINE, buy the stickers now!

Save Up to US$5,000 from Monthly Cloud Server Hosting

We’re happy to offer to all subscribers and friends a 50% off discount on cloud server services. You can rent your server with a cost up to US$10,000 per month, but you only need to pay US$5,000 per month. This offer covers barebone servers, cloud servers, virtual storage, CDN, and other services in worldwide locations. It is not limited to our partnership projects, so you can use it for your own projects too!This discount is valid until February 2017, so you can potentially save up to $50,000! Our quota is limited. If you are interested, contact us at partner@wizq.com now!

