Bulk Update Multiple WebLogic WLSDM Settings via WL-OPC

WLSDM for WebLogic
WLSDM for WebLogic
Published in
3 min readDec 17, 2021

When you need to change WLSDM WebLogic settings and you have so many WLSDM WebLogic domains, use the “WLSDM Configuration” page to standardize the bulk WLSDM WebLogic domains settings. WL-OPC prevents struggling with numerous tabs, unwanted confusion and saves your time with WLSDM Configurations Page!

The “WLSDM Configuration” page has rich content and simple usage. The “WLSDM Configurations” page allows you to load and edit all WLSDM System Settings on a single page and apply changes to all registered WLSDM WebLogic domains.

How to use WLSDM Configuration Page

After login to WL-OPC, follow the steps below:

1. Click Administration Menu,

2. Click the WLSDM Configurations submenu,

3. Select the domain you desired to manage from the dropdown menu

4. Click Load Button

After these steps, WL-OPC shows you categories of settings as tabs and control buttons. Each tab provides a table below that contains properties, values, and descriptions of relevant settings.

Visual Datatables

Description of the above buttons:

  1. Categories of settings

2. Table of the relevant settings

3. Search keywords in the table

4. Hide/Show pagination

5. Refresh the table

6. Toggle view of the table between vertical or horizontal

7. Hide/Show columns

8. Export table data (Supports JSON, XML, CSV, TXT, SQL, and MS-Excel)

9. Sort the table (Supports multiple sorting options)

10. Filter columns

How to change a WLSDM property value?

To change the property value, you can click the Edit Button of the property in the table. You can apply changes to the current domain, all domains in a particular group, or all domains registered to WL-OPC!

WL-OPC will change WLSDM Configurations of the selected domain(s) after confirmation that you are sure. It’s that easy!

Which settings can be changed with WLSDM Configuration Page?

mail.account: Properties of the mail server and mail account

mail.TO: TO, CC, BCC options of emails for different notification types

mail.content: Email content values for each email type according to notification type

notification.global: Global notification settings for each email type according to module type

notification.settings: Global notification settings for each email type

snmp.trap: SNMP trap name, host, port, and severity level notifications

system.archive: Data archive setting for different types of data

system.authorization: Page and WLSDM console privilege options

And some other settings such as monitoring, store, and WLSDM configurations.

With WL-OPC, you can manage WebLogic domain configurations of as many domains as you want from a single center. Hereby, you will gain more time and work more on your own business logic!

Please watch the YouTube tutorial:

Download WL-OPC

