Oracle BEA WebLogic

WLSDM for WebLogic
WLSDM for WebLogic
Published in
4 min readJun 17, 2019

BEA started out with the Tuxedo software product, but currently the products they are best known for in the computer industry are the WebLogic product family, which consists of WebLogic Server, WebLogic Workshop, WebLogic Portal, WebLogic Integration and JRockit. In 2005, BEA launched a new product family called AquaLogic for service-oriented architecture deployment.

BEA’s all products:

*Tuxedo (As known as Oracle Tuxedo) — transaction-oriented middleware platform
*BEA WebLogic- (As known as Oracle WebLogic Server) — Java EE enterprise infrastructure platform
*AquaLogic- (As known as Oracle Service Bus) — Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) platform

On January 16, 2008 Oracle signed a agreement to buy BEA for $8.5 billion

That is reason of Oracle WebLogic server logs contains <BEA> codes at the present time.

<BEA> Codes in WebLogic Server Logs

Oracle WebLogic Application Server

Oracle WebLogic Server Architecture-Middleware layer

As you can see from the picture, Weblogic is located in the middle layer. The applications running in the green “Client Tier”. The mobile devices process the requests received from the clients (Frontend) such as the Web browser; forward them to the backend systems (blue colored parts) and transmit the responses to the clients.

Oracle Weblogic has domain logic. Domain; can be called as Weblogic resources group (admin server, managed servers, node managers, …).

There are other resources in Oracle WebLogic domain such as datasources and applications. These resources are deployed and running in WebLogic Managed Servers.

If WebLogic servers has faced with problems and application performance reduced, weblogic adminstrators can use WebLogic monitoring tool WLSDM. Server, data source, application(deployements) and JVM resources dashboards gives you many ideas about what is going on at your WebLogic domains. Below screenshoot from WLSDM health page, WebLogic server health status and domain status monitoring.

WLSDM Oracle WebLogic Application server Monitoring Tool

WLSDM WebLogic back-end resources monitoring dashboards:

JDBC Monitoring

You can get email notification immediately when domain get some issues.

SOA Suite

Oracle will retain its own SOA Suite but add number of features from BEA’s SOA Suite to Oracle SOA Suite.

After convergence, Oracle SOA suite is going to look like
*Converge Aqualogic Service Bus (from BEA) and Enterprise Service Bus (from Oracle) to common architecture called SCA (Services Component Architecture) and make it part of Oracle SOA Suite
*Retain Oracle BPEL PM (Business Process Execution Language Process Manager) for process orchestration.
*Retain Oracle Business Rule Engine.
*Oracle’s Event Processing combined with Weblogic Event Server (BEA) for monitoring the processes.
*Oracle’s BAM (Business Activity Monitor) to publish analytics out of these applications.
*Retain Oracle’s WSM (Web Services Manager) to define policy on services.
*Use Aqualogic Enterprise Repository (from BEA) to govern Services. (Repository to store/publish services, manage and govern these policies for SOA governance)
*Oracle’s EM (Enterprise Manager) for monitoring & Oracle B2B (Business 2 Business) engine

WLSDM have SOA suite and Oracle Service Bus dashboards. You can Monitor SOA Composite performance dashboard and Service Performance in a minute !

WLSDM OSB Service Performance Dashboard
WLSDM SOA Composite Performance Dashboard

WLSDM installation is really easy and you can setup a complete monitoring infrastructure in less than 5 minutes. If you want to try then go to WLSDM download page. (Download link is available at below)

