
[#WO] HD


#WOHC #HolyCare


“We’ve all been given a gift, the gift of life.

What we do with our lives is our gift back”



#HolyCare aim is to provide world wide access to a decentralized p2p volunteer networks web, and replace the public and private biochemical industry for healthcare by providing a universal #ChemSet App an #ChemInks Database.

[#WOHC] #HolyCare

  • [#WOA]id

#OpenHealthcare World Open HealthCare Database

#OpenMed Universal Chemistry Set App

#MutualAid network

#Emergency response network

  • [#WOP]rovide


#CommunityProject network

#CouchSurfing — #CarPooling, #ToolSharing and many more..

#GiftEconomyWorld Service Network

  • [#WOL]ife

#Environment Action Networks

#Bioethics declaration#WorldOpenEthics

#SeedBank network

#GVCSWorld Wide P2P Distribution of Global Village Construction Set

“[…] We have been messing around, playing with our gifts of technology and culture. And developing these gifts. Now we are coming into adulthood. And it’s time to apply them to our true purpose. At the beginning, […] it’ll be about healing the damage that’s has been done. […] We are in the business of creating miracle around Earth. […] It’s necessary. Anything even less than that is not even worth trying”

Charles Eisenstein



00. #Hash — The Story of #

01. [#WO]HD — HashDeclaration

02. [#WO]HM — HashMap

03. [#WO]HK — HumanKnowledge

04. [#WO]HG — HumanGovernance

05. [#WO]HP — HyperPlaza

06. [#WO]HW — HyperWeb

07. [#WO]HC — HolyCare

08. [#WO]HT — HolyTime

Email: fpecchini@gmail.com

