3 Quotes To Live By

joseph elkins
WO Freelancers
Published in
3 min readNov 19, 2020

3 Quotes To Live By

Quotes are an essential part of motivation. People will write them on their bathroom mirror to look at every morning and night. You can set them as a background on a phone or a background on a computer. Some people even go to the extent to get their favorite quote tattooed on them. There is something about a powerful impactful quote that opens the eyes to a new perspective and gives the reader a sense of motivation and excitement… Here are 3 quotes to live by:

“All your ideas may be solid or even good ... But you have to Actually EXECUTE on them for them to matter.”

Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vaynerchuk is an American entrepreneur who is a personal favorite when it comes to quotes and inspiration. This quote in particular brings up the topic of your goals.

He opens up to the fact that anyone can have a good idea, but to actually make it mean something, you have to put the effort in and “execute.” This quote is superb for motivation. It indirectly tells the reader to stop procrastinating, get off the couch, and go do something with their life. Go achieve your goals, then make new ones. Keep succeeding, and never look back.

There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction.”

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill is most well known for leading Great Britain through World War II. He introduces the topic of change. Something a lot of people are uncomfortable with. He opens up that change is not always a bad thing. Change can lead to new adventure, new opportunities, and infinite new possibilities and ideas.

Change isn’t bad, what is bad is not wanting to accept change. This is what makes change scary and dark. But opening up to change and looking at things in the best way possible can give you more power than you realize.

“It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.”

Andre Gide, Autumn Leaves

This third and final quote comes from the French author Andre Gide. It is eye-opening and brings the reader to think about themselves. It opens up about the topic of being fake around your friends and being true to yourself. It urges the reader to rethink a lot of their personalities, maybe keep a smaller and tight group of friends, get closer with your family.

Do not act in a way to be loved. Act how you are as a person, and let the people who love you stay, and the people who don’t, leave.

Any quote has the possibility to change you. Whether it’s about love, or work, or happiness, it can change your perspective and give you hidden motivation your brain didn’t know it had. Quotes are an essential part of our lives and help people more often than not.

