Why You Should Travel by Yourself

Maya Almazan
WO Freelancers
Published in
4 min readDec 3, 2020

There are good moments, there are bad moments. One thing leads to another thing which could lead to another to make a moment memorable. One of the best opportunities anyone can take is being able to travel. Whether it’s with someone they love, or even if it’s by yourself. Even just driving around at night or maybe a bus or plane ride. Traveling around by yourself is one of the best experiences to have once in your life.

I also had the opportunity to travel somewhere by myself. For my 15th birthday, my grandmother and my parents had bought me a plane ticket to see my family in Mexico. The thrill of being able to get away from my own family for just a week was enough to excite me for my life after high school.

My birthday was still a couple of weeks away. They had presented to me a plane ticket a couple of days before Spring Break so I could go and visit for the week. Although I was a little bit frightened because I would be far away from my parents.. by myself.. thousands of feet above the ground.. without them.. it seemed to be a huge pill to swallow.

However, I had missed my family in Mexico and Texas that I haven’t seen in quite a while, so I grabbed the frightening pill and swallowed it whole, with no water. I couldn’t wait to get away from all the rainy and gloomy days of Holland. I wanted to badly spend a fun-filled week with the heartwarming sun.

It felt amazing. To have some time to myself. Not having to depend on anybody but myself. I personally have always been interested in traveling so it was nice to have some experience before I officially go off into the world after high school.

There are absolutely no limits on the places you can go to live your life to the fullest and explore. Whether you want to start out small and go to a city not far from the town you currently live in, or rather you just want to start from the top, the decision is completely up to you.

The first time traveling by yourself, you could live in the small town of Eureka, Kansas, and choose to spend the weekend in Wichita. Or maybe you do live in the small town of Eureka, Kansas, and decided to up and go to Tokyo, Japan.

It depends on your personality and what seems right to you, and how comfortable you are with being away from home, family, friends. Everything. You leave many things behind for a certain amount of time.

There’s not much that you need to travel. If you want to travel down the road, travel down the road. Don’t know how to get there? Walk. Want to get out of town? Drive. You don’t have to be fancy and go somewhere big like Paris or Beijing the first time you want to get away by yourself.

One thing you might want to consider bringing with you when you travel is spare cash. You never know when you might run out or need to tip. If you do decide to go to a big city, there is always a poverty part of town. If you happen to pass through there, don’t be scared to share.

Another thing you should bring is clothes. But not too much in case you are the type of person to buy clothes from where they are visiting. Make sure to plan ahead and check the weather so you can be comfortable when you are out and about.

One thing that you should leave at home is all your problems. Get away from all the distractions and problems that life seems to continually throw at you. When traveling, leave all stress behind and look forward to the good times up ahead.

There is no certain time that is perfect for traveling. Each city has its pros and cons for time to visit. Not only do they have their regular four seasons, but they also have their season that is full of tourists.

Not only should you plan ahead and check if the weather is going to be high 90’s or a constant sky full of thunder and lightning, also check how busy that city or country gets during that time period that you plan to visit. Or maybe you like how busy it can get. That’s totally fine too.

Absolutely anyone can experience this. Do you need some alone time? Is everyone in your household getting on your nerves? You just need some time to yourself then. Time to get away from everything and everyone.

Traveling by yourself is not made for everyone, however. Many people feel the need to be around people they love and that is okay too. Some people just feel the need to get away sometimes too and that is perfectly fine. Whether you do want to get away or whether you don't, there’s no need to label or classify yourself as one of the other. You can even be both.

I feel the need to travel by myself because I like the feeling of being by myself. I don’t feel like I personally need to depend on people and that makes me happy to just travel around and explore new places and things.

You should travel by yourself because some alone time is healthy for you. Not too much but not too little; the small gray area between. There’s just something about traveling and seeing new sights by yourself that can just make you happy. To just be free to a certain extent.

In conclusion, traveling by yourself could possibly amaze or surprise you. You could find something out about yourself that maybe you didn’t know before. You’d make memories that only you would know about. It would be yours and the world’s little secret and no one else would know about it unless you chose to tell people.

