How To Build Networks In Hollywood As A Screenwriter

Talha Zahid Qazi
Published in
3 min readDec 17, 2021

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The role of a screenwriter is to

  • Write a script
  • Get the script to produce
  • Repeat

Let’s explore the process of getting the script produced. This process includes,

  • showing your script to a producer,
  • having a solid network to help you in that.

But how to build a strong network if you are just an amateur writer. Or, if you do have a network, how to strong-arm it? That is where optioning a screenplay comes into play.

What Is Optioning?

Optioning a script means renting out the script strictly by the terms mentioned in the contract between the screenwriter and the producer. These terms usually have to do with finances, period, revisions (who can or cannot revise), etc.

The option fee is typically a small percentage of the overall option period and should be negotiated before optioning the script.

The option period is the time frame during which the producer has exclusive rights to your screenplay. It usually lasts for one to two years, with the option fee payable upfront.

After the option period expires, the producer no longer has rights to your work unless you renew the option agreement.

Generally speaking, optioning a script is not a guarantee that the film will be made — it’s simply a way for a screenwriter to get their foot in the door. However, if your script is picked up by a producer and made into a movie, you stand to make some serious money.

Why Option?

In option, a screenwriter establishes a professional relationship with the producer. Optioning a script helps in building networks in the industry because it allows you to:

Establish relationships with potential producers and other industry professionals

When you option a screenplay, you do more than just rent out your work to a producer. You are establishing a professional relationship with them. The producer can be a potential producer and help you get your scripts made into movies.

This professional relationship helps you build and expand your network and allows you to understand what kind of content is marketable.

Get your work in the industry for people to see

Working with potential producers is one of the benefits of optioning your script. Since your network establishes in doing so, more and more people in the industry get to see your work, further strong-arming your network in the industry.

Gauge how much marketability your work has

Producers usually option a script because they believe that it has potential. But how do you know if your work is marketable? Optioning a script allows you to see the producer’s reactions, and by extension, the marketability of your work.

Through this process, you can also understand what the producer wants, which can help you rework and polish your scripts.

Those better scripts will help you stand a better place in the industry among potential producers, again helping you build your network.

Get Paid If Your Script Gets Made Into A Movie

If your script gets optioned by a producer and made into a movie, you stand to make some serious money. When you get a film on your name, that means your network has finally started to shed fruit.

Keep Optioning Your Scripts

When your script is optioned, you are in the game. Don’t wait to hear from a specific producer. Keep writing and keep optioning. You can visit applications like Blacklist and WoAccelerator to find producers for your script.

