Strategies to Help Build Creative Intimacy

Developing creative intimacy is the process of staying connected to your script in all the moments, whether good or bad.

Talha Zahid Qazi
3 min readFeb 14, 2022


Let’s start with knowing the meaning of creativity. When writing a screenplay, your script and you go through various moments. Some of these moments are when you get genuinely connected to your sentiments like feelings, thoughts and, inspiration. On top of that, this moment connects you with your skill, talent, and vision. That moment, we call it a creative moment. And lots of creative moments come together to help you create a piece of art.

These moments of creative bliss also come with moments of creative mess. That’s when you feel lost. When you can’t figure out what and how to write. It’s the strength writers use to fight this creative mess challenge and eventually return to creative bliss.

What Is Creative Intimacy?

Returning to creative bliss requires you to stay intact with the inspirations, feelings, skills, and vision. But when you are feeling frustrated, how will you bound yourself to creative bliss.

Yes, that’s creative intimacy.

Developing creative intimacy is the process of staying connected to your writing in all the moments, whether good or bad.

Creative intimacy is a state, and it can not be achieved easily because it depends on following factors. The strategies we are going to discuss today are,

  1. Limitations
  2. Fears and Doubts

Creative intimacy is the core need of your screenplay to make it authentic and uniquely you.

Finding Comfort In Your Limitations

We all face limitations, and it is not easy to recognize them. When you are aware of your own shortcomings or weaknesses, whether they be,

  • Physical inability like being unable to touch something;
  • Mental deficiency in terms of knowledge
  • Emotional turmoil is caused by self-consciousness about what others think due to lack of experience.

These things can make us feel inadequate and undermine trust within ourselves and potential talents/skills, which may never come out unless someone points them out! So don’t dwell too much on those inner demons.

Whenever you try to avoid your own limitations, their darkness becomes more powerful. They hide in our unconscious and slowly control who we are as people and keeps you from writing that screenplay you’ve been struggling to write for so long.

Makes sense, right?

When you can face your limitations, they become something that enhances what little talent or skills there may be. What’s more, if we deny our Limitations, it becomes negative, which will only hold us back from achieving greatness!

For creative intimacy to thrive, you need to let your limitations coexist and dance alongside the strengths that they share.

Finding Comfort In Your Fears and Doubts

We all have fear, but it’s important to face our doubts and move past them. If you don’t acknowledge these feelings, then they can be lurking in the back of your mind waiting for a moment when we’re vulnerable, like during an intense creative project or speaking publically-and use this as leverage against ourselves.

The more aware you are about your inner critic (who isn’t always wrong), the less power he has over you!

To create intimacy in your writing, you must face your fears and doubts. It will take time, but by working on these issues deep within the core of who we are, they can eventually be rewritten into something different from what our minds had initially envisioned for ourselves when thinking about “insecurity.”

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