What is the role of a producer?

Talha Zahid Qazi
Published in
4 min readDec 3, 2021

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Let’s start by clarifying that a producer doesn’t always have to be a single person.

While the roles of a producer vary from production to production, some common responsibilities include:

  • Finding a script
  • Finding a director
  • Sourcing funds
  • Distribution

A film generally goes through five phases:

  • Development
  • Pre-production
  • Production
  • Post-Production
  • Distribution

A producer is generally responsible for the first and last phases:

  • Development
  • Distribution

The article will focus on the first and the last phases of a film. Keep in mind that these two phases may be the sole responsibility of the “executive producer,” which we’ll explain later.


The development phase includes acquiring screenplays and filtering through the one script that can act as a base for a successful film.

  1. Find the script
  2. You can source potential scripts from marketplaces like Blacklist or WoAccelerator, or even your own network.
  3. Find your core team
  4. Director — Responsible for artistic oversight of the film, as well as some hiring aspects of production
  5. Unit Production Manager — Generally oversees all of the significant hiring as well as the budget and time.


During this final phase, the producer seeks to sell the rights of the completed film to a distribution channel or networks like Netflix, Amazon, or Youtube, Paramount, Disney, or NBC. Most distribution networks are built on relationships, and many successful producers have established relationships with these streaming services.

In most cases, at this point, the producer may get paid but generally receives credit as “Executive Producer” until the film makes some revenue or is profitable.

Remember, distribution is all about money and ROIs (Return On Investment).

Different Roles of Producers

During the film credits, you may have seen different producer titles. However, not all titles that have the word “producer” attached are created equally. Generally speaking, the responsibilities we mentioned above tend to fall on the shoulders of the executive producer(s).

Here is the list of producer titles you may see with explanations of what each one entails:

Executive producers

The executive producer usually brings in the financing and acts as a frontman for other investors. The money could stem from their funds, or investors may spread the investment among, let’s say, producers.


The line between an executive producer and a producer can be blurry. One might help raise the financing while another does more day-to-day work on the film, such as hiring crew or working with talent.


A vital member of a film’s production team, a line producer, is responsible for organizing every aspect of the physical production, from hiring a crew to acquiring equipment and feeding cast and crew. The line producer is also responsible for budgeting the project, tracking daily production expenditures to ensure that it remains within predetermined limits, and maintaining a shooting schedule to keep the film on track for its completion date.

Creative Producers

As the name implies, this person is responsible for overseeing creative matters. The creative producer works closely with the director on artistic issues. They facilitate hiring talent, supervise script revisions, communicate director notes, and coordinate a unified style and approach between departments.


Now, this is what we are interested in. Showrunners are television producers who have an overall creative vision for a series and have authority and management responsibility for the various directors hired for specific episodes.

Co-Producers and Associate Producers

Although an associate producers’ role varies widely for what their jobs entail, however, they often help with fundraising, oversee a specific production area, or share duties with a lead producer.

Impact Producers,

Also known as engagement strategists, impact producers are producers of marketing and distribution (PMDs). They focus on getting the word out, attracting press and media coverage, and finding a distributor to get a film in front of as many audiences as possible.

Field Producer.

In the film, a field producer assists the producer in production in a non-studio location. In TV, a video producer works remotely to assist in producing a piece of the overall output.


As you can see, the role of the producer is varied and at times complex. However, the core role still requires acquiring great script material. And to do that, you’ll need to find the right screenwriter. Fortunately, WOAccelerator has you covered.

