One year of Crossfit and what I’ve learned about it

Tatiana Smetanina
WOD inspired
Published in
3 min readDec 30, 2016

I was always active and have a quite good physical condition. But I started Crossfit one year ago with the empty barbell. It was the shame and big field for development at the same time (now I’m close to RX, no worries). I started because I just got tired of dirty, wet, cold and dark every day winter training in a park.

That’s what I’ve learned after a year (7 days a week) doing Crossfit.

You’ll really want to sleep after training

I used to sleep in a company loo during my lunch break because I wasn’t able to stay awake. Almost no one saying this, but if you’ll ask a few random members, they have or used to have this problem. So, I asked… And don’t say to me that you’re never slept after Crossfit or felt like shit, I’ll consider you as a robot or as a lier :). The good news, it’ll get better after 2–3 months. Now I’m absolutely fine and don’t have to occupy company loo without “strong reason”. So, everything will get better.

You’ll find your weaknesses

Not only physical, I mean mental as well. I found that feeling not perfect it’s actually good, very interesting and I hate it (but like it too). You can put some goals and enjoy the process by learning and achieving it.

You’ll realize that you’re moving like shit

Not only “numbers” (speed, weight, reps) are matter. Form is more important for future progress. So, you have to move properly not only for a nice video “like a pro” for Instagram. You’ll start to pay attention, leave your ambitions and work on it.

You’ll find that consistency and dedication are the way to achieving something

You will make a progress and enjoy the results sooner or later. You may consider extrapolate it to other sides of your life. Just try it. Make it regular, take your time, practice, analyze.

You’ll count everything

Calories in food, reps, time for sleeping, commute to work or to home, how long was your meeting or call, everything. Sorry, I still can’t count my money properly and friendship is uncountable as well.

You’ll get addicted. Endorphins and “pushing yourself” addictions

It really can help you manage stress and feel more positive and confident whatever happen with you (lot’s of things happened with me this year but it was easy to manage). As more I’m struggling during the WOD as more I like it and as more I’m positive during the day.

You’ll get rid of concentration problems and become more focused

I have a problem with concentration. All my life. I just can’t do something without switching my attention between many things (so at the end you have done nothing or everything with silly mistakes). Working, reading, writing, listening music and having a call it’s about me. Even I used to use some medical stuff when I was in a situation that I have to study hard or do one thing hours and hours. It looks like I don’t have this problem for months and maybe it’s gone.

Actually, that’s a great community

You’ll make new friends and socialize. Crossfit community is really great, kind and contains different people with the open mindset and passion.

Girls at Crossfit Evolving Holloway

You’ll become more competitive

So, during the first year, you will try to compete or even consider to get your Crossfit level 1 course. I was always competitive and ambitious. I did booth and enjoyed a lot. Even I started to think seriously to become a coach. I like to motivate and inspire people, I’m very active and this is a big part of my daily routine. But, seriously, I’ve been started to think about it after my level 1.

Crossfit level 1 is done. Achievement unlocked.

So, have fun and happy New Year!

