GHC20 Co-Chair Spotlight: Sahar Nasiri

Wogrammer x Wogrammer
2 min readJun 15, 2020

After years of exploring multiple subject areas, Sahar landed on a career in data science. The will to learn, grow, and connect has shaped her professional experiences and led her to perfect career fit.

Back when she was choosing a major in Iran, Sahar selected industrial engineering. She figured this would be one of the best ways to become accustomed to different subject areas within the field. She later settled on robotics, which was the genesis of a deep dive into the technical world. Determined to reach a comparable level of understanding as her peers, Sahar zeroed in on her strengths and discovered her passion. — data science.

“Finding my interest in programming and computer science did not make me feel that my bachelors in industrial engineering was a waste of time, it gave me a perspective to find data science which is the combination of them all together which I feel most excited about.”

Distinguishing herself in the workplace early on, Sahar brought a unique perspective from that of her peers. \While she, like many, experienced gendered stereotypes and workplace inequities, Sahar refused to be defined by the expectations of others. To overcome imposter syndrome, Sahar believes we all have the ability to define how we show up and advocate for ourselves, which in turn shapes how others see us.

“I believe that if we believe that we are strong then we are! No matter how people want to think of us, we are who we are and no one can change this fact.”

Sahar is a dynamic woman technologist. She is here to write her own story and continue a path of learning, growing, and connecting.

This story was written by Crystal M. Cooper, Sr. GHC Program Manager at Connect with her on Linkedin.

