Happy Birthday Anita Borg

January 17th is Anita Borg’s birthday

AnitaB.org x Wogrammer
2 min readJan 17, 2014


January 17th is Anita Borg’s birthday. Through her vision and strong belief in helping women in computing, Systers, Grace Hopper Celebration and AnitaB.org has helped millions of women in computing and technology around the world. Anita continues to inspire our community and we honor her this month around the world. Systers are celebrating Anita’s birthday with global meetups in more than 70 cities.

Systers are passionate about the computing field and technology, helping other women whether it is in academia, government, industry or research, introducing young girls into computing and teaching them about career opportunities in the field. In 1987, Anita created Systers to ensure technical women has a network where they could find support, advice and mentor other women. She continued by working with Telle Whitney on bringing technical women together in a conference in Washington, D.C. 1994. The conference was named after Grace Hopper Celebration for Women in Technology in honor of Rear Admiral Grace Hopper. Systers were honored to be in attendance last month when the Navy celebrated her birthday on December 9, 2013 with a wreath laying ceremony.

Join us in celebrating Anita’s Birthday by joining one of our meetups. Systers is exclusive for women in computing and technology, but we strive to be inclusive in the computing field.

