Machine Xchange Coin (MXC) AMA with Wolf Crypto

Wolf Crypto
Wolf Crypto
Published in
12 min readJul 9, 2018

We held an AMA with Machine Xchange Coin (MXC) in our Telegram channel on July 5th.

The MXC “Machine eXchange Protocol” facilitates the uninterrupted exchange of information between connected devices. The intrinsic blockchain based MXC Protocol ensures devices connect to the internet using the most convenient LPWAN Gateway lying in range. This “convenience” is determined using essential factors:

• Cost per Downlink

• Signal Quality

• Availability

• MXC influential Algorithmic Factors

The MXC crowdsale ICO is estimated to start in the next 7–10 days but details will be available via the MXC Telegram Channel when finalized.

The following is what Aaron Wagener had to say during the AMA.*

*This AMA has been edited for clarity.

WC (Wolf Crypto Team Member)

Hi Aaron, Welcome :D

Everyone is looking forward to asking questions about MXC, so lets start.

AW (Aaron Wagener)

Thanks everyone! Happy to be here!



Something easy to begin with.

Aaron, can you please tell us a bit about yourself, how you got involved with MXC and what is your function there?


My name is Aaron Wagener, I’m the COO and business strategist of MXC.

I have a Master’s in International Business, and 15+ years International Business experience, living in and working on various markets: UK, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Australia, Iraq, Singapore, United States, New Zealand, Korea, China and Germany. I’ve worked in a lot of “new industries” implementing the early days of mobile technology into new markets and then in the past few years focusing on the IoT area and how companies can make a breakthrough into the “real word”.

This “breakthrough” has been a challenge to IoT and also Crypto — 1 challenge we are determined to change


I have a few questions about the team, how many developers are working on the project?


We currently have 4 internal developers and 3 external “advisory” developers working on MXC.


I have noticed that the MXC team has a lot of expertise with hardware engineering and your team’s background as well?


As I’ve already mentioned about myself above, I’ll do a very brief intro to the inspiring team we have here at MXC:

MXC CEO, XIN: has won a number of IoT awards and grants, concentrating on Hardware technology and LPWAN. Xin was offered a full scholarship at Erasmus Mundus and enrolled in the Internet Technology and Architecture programme at EIT Digital. Xin has lead a number of IoT think-tanks with professors and universities, he’s pushing the infrastructure of MXC

MXC CTO: Vlad Karl, has 12 years experience leading technical teams and a vat experience within Blockchain technology which is a strong driving passion of his for the past 5 years in particular.

MXC Growth Manager: Jeff Stahlnecker, our and business analyst, he has studied at American University with a Masters of Strategic Communication.

MXC Lead Software: Vadim Vygonets in short is our security genius, building a wide range of IoT security elements to bolster our platform and token moving forward.

MXC Hardware Development: Piotr Brzenzinski focuses on engineer having worked for Siemens heading the hardware development, he chose to move further into the IoT world and is really the supreme architect behind the connection between the hardware and blockchain

MXC Advisor: Meinhard Benn, ad Founder of Satoshi Pay. He’s been heavily involved in Blockchain, Bitcoin and the science behind chains since 2011

Machine Xchange Coin (MXC) Core Team


Do you have any blockchain engineers on the team or have plans to add additional?


Vlad, our CTO has strong experience working on Blockchain projects, as well as our advisor and technical guru Meinhard Benn who has been involved in Blockchain since 2011. We work together with Meinhard in regards to key implementatioons, he’s a very hands on part of MXC and together with our team we are building chain solutions.

I just would like to point out at this stage, we are not building a new Blockchain, instead a para-chain that will sit on top of other chains.

Platform & Roadmap


Can you give us a brief summary on MXC and what you aim to do?


For simplification purposes, MXC can be broken down into 3 key elements:

1 — M2M Communications — Allowing devices to communicate with each other without the need for human interaction

2 — Device Data, Inter-Chain Trading Platform — Allowing for anyone to buy, sell and trade device data

3 — Network Allocation — using the decentralised LPWAN network we’re allowing anyone to profit from MXC. We want to include the “general public” into MXC, so we allow people to build out a device network and earn a “passive income” as part of the sharing economy


Regarding the LPWAN, how will your project be impacted if the adoption rate of LPWAN hardware technology is slower than expected?


We have many aspects to MXC, the M2M can occur without the specific need of LPWAN, so does the MXC device data trading network allowing for cross framework integration. In regards to LPWAN, MXC is offering people an incentive to promote LPWAN and build their own network, we’re convinced that people will see the strong advantages for this technology and will start promoting it in a “shared economy”, MXC is giving back to the people and we are super excited about the potential for literally anyone to earn and harvest MXC. It’s time to put tokens back in the hands of the people!


What are some other possible barriers or obstacles you see that might affect the success of the project?


From my business perspective we are very well prepared to roll-out to the masses with the first prototypes in a matter of months. I think the biggest issue to stop any company in this industry is often adaptation — something we have overcome by building our “solutions” in a way that encompasses both hardware partners and Token solutions. This gives companies and partners a completed and finished product (solution) where they can literally begin to source data with.


I saw on a review video MXC can be used on multiple different blockchains (EOS, NEO, VEN) but is fed back to IOTA, is this accurate?


It is not fed back to IoTa in any way. MXC is the central currency as part of the inter-chain market

  • MXC wants to deliver inter-chain capability but we rely purely on MXC, thanks for the question brother!


Can you give us a quick overview of your roadmap and when you expect to deploy your Mainnet?


We will be launching the parachain early 2019. MXC doesnt run the “usual mainnet” people are used to.

Regarding nonstandard mainnet: Here we’re talking about introducing a para-chain. In a way it’s a very simplistic form of a blockchain that literally sits on top of currently existing chains. Our MXC para-chain will then serve as a bridge to connect the parachain for cross-chain inter-operations. Allowing for a wide variety of tokens to be used for data transactions. We believe in data, we believe in an open market!

Machine Xchange Coin (MXC) Roadmap


What is an anti collision coordinator?


The MX Protocol focuses on 3 key elements,

One of these elements is the Anti-Collision co-ordinator, this works by:

  1. Minimizing Packet Collision (by prioritising data feeds)

2. Allocating new resources to the sensors and end devices (by providing a plethora of new allocations to different LPWAN Gateway devices — similar to a Mesh network)

3. Enabling individual networks to pay for other networks resources and services (interchain market)

**WC: Found an article with more info:


Do you have examples of the expected cost of a typical setup with hardware + implementation?


“Gateways” (which are the bridge to the cloud) cost anywhere from about $100(US) upwards, … in some cases up to 60,000 sensors can connect to 1 Gateway, so its not a big outlay.

The sensors can cost literally a couple of dollars


Where are you all based and have you received proper regulatory approval for your token/ICO?


We are based in Berlin, Germany. As a responsible business it has taken some time to get everything structured from a legal stand-point, this was however essential for us to ensure we can commit to continued growth in the future. We can only build a tall structure if we have a solid base. We have our well versed legal team ensuring we cross all the T’s and dot the I’s


Is there an MVP available?


It can be found here:


Do you have plans to switch to a faster platform like Stellar (XLM) with the scalability issues ethereum experiences?


My personal opinion, I think ERC20’s are generally solid coins, we are in talks with other partners, it’s simply (as you stated) a matter of stability and speed as we are literally looking at billions of device data transactions on a daily basis



Who are some of your competitors in this space


What MXC is delivering in regards to the MX Protocol, Anti-Collision, the data network of LPWAN puts us in a very unique position. I understand everyone wants to put all “IOT” Tokens in 1 basket but that would be like putting all “Tokens” in the industry in 1 basket. IOT is massive and its growing at a constant rate.

To this day I haven’t seen anyone rolling out what we are. Happy to be proven wrong though!


I have recently read the FOAM whitepaper and see they plan to use LPWAN technology as a type of GPS replacement. Would you consider them a competitor, or a potential partner?


I think there are structural elements very different from FOAM and MXC. LPWAN is one network, however MXC is multi-faceted. I have met with FOAM and I wish them all the best. But they have a long road ahead of them I feel

They’re still in their infancy, I think it would be unfair to them to draw any comparisons on where MXC is and the direction they are trying to figure out where they want to be



What are some specific use cases for MXC?


Great question and probably the most difficult question I can answer here… why? because the use cases are wide and varied. I have business connections who approach me and say “I have this problem…can your solution fix it?” and the answer is 90% of the time yes! But these “problems” are many times so varied that it requires a key flexibility from our parachain — something we are building into our backend.

So I’ll say it again….There are literally thousands of use cases: For instance we are speaking with several local governments here in Europe to integrate MXC to help with their smart-city initiatives. I understand there has been a lot of “hype” around smart cities, MXC is simply here to deliver!

This means MXC assists in:

- Improving regional air-quality, where sensors can gather 24/7 air quality data.

- Agricultural industry where MXC is improving farming techniques, allowing farmers to get the best yield from their crops by using smart farming practices

- Improving traffic flow of public transport, sensors detecting movement of traffic and public transport participation

- Synchronisation of things such as clocks, which can automate large elements of city standards, especially when it comes to transport

- Also from a long term perspective: Paying for car parks — paying for device tracking — paying for petrol in cars.

At MXC I want us to stand for solutions and market implementation, we will be implementing and rolling out to real cities. We are determined to be the break-through currency that shows purpose and impacts peoples lives on a daily basis!


Is MXC solely an IoT marketplace and can you go into more detail on the token utility?


I think misinformation within the industry is something that holds us all back. There are too many “experts” spreading untruths. So I’m happy to address your question and thanks for answering it and getting the truth out there!

1 — M2M Communications — Allowing devices to communicate with each other without the need for human interaction

2 — Device Data, Inter-Chain Trading Platform — Allowing for anyone to buy, sell and trade device data

3 — Network Allocation — using the decentralised LPWAN network we’re allowing anyone to profit from MXC. We want to include the “general public” into MXC, so we allow people to build out a device network and earn a “passive income” as part of the sharing economy

Additionally we are solving MANY collision and data trading issues in the real-life business world with our MX Protocol



What’s the connect between MXC and MatchX?


MXC is a completely independent entity separate “stand alone company” apart from any other organisation.

In regards to MatchX is an LPWAN hardware company that Xin, Piotr, Vadim and myself started a few years ago. MatchX focuses primarily on LPWAN hardware solutions for companies wishing to transmit device data over longer distances, in a faster, more affordable manner.

MXC came about after we got together with some of the brightest crypto minds, formulating our theories in an IoT-Think-Tank, focusing on the massive gap currently experienced in IoT. We also looked at the current IoT crypto companies out there and analysed exactly why they are all struggling for true leverage. The think-tank delivered tremendous results and MXC was born:

At MXC we have a staunch focus on bringing 2 key elements together — the world of Crypto and real life use cases using Hardware partners.

We’ve been working with hardware developers and implementing our Token and Protocol solution, offering a truly world first end2end solution for business. You see, businesses aren’t looking for a pure Blockchain solution, they’re not looking for a pure Hardware solution, they’re simply looking for solutions in today’s competitive world to push their business forward.

MXC brings these factors together and provides end2end solutions for the challenges of today’s business. Some of us remain advisors to MatchX however it has a separate team that focuses purely on the operations and running of MatchX. The MXC team is completely focused and dedicated to MXC and driving the MXC global vision forward


Did the team budget for the ever increasing exchange listing expense?


You’re right, many don’t budget!

Fortunately, tokens that have a lot of potential don’t have to pay for listings. We have not paid for any listings and we will be making some announcements soon about strategic partners…. watch this space. We like to surprise!


Is an exchange is your strategic partner??


We have a wide variety of partnerships consisting of a wide variety of structural and non-participative roles. We’ll announce very shortly where ppl can trade / purchase purchase MXC

Machine Xchange Coin (MXC) Partnership List


There are rumors you are planning partnerships with VEN and QUARK — can you elaborate?


We don’t like to get involved in the rumour mill. I think it would take too much of our focus away from delivering MXC to the public.

On our MXC channel we make regular “Friday Announcements” and all will be revealed within these official statements from all parties concerned


What’s the Stellar connection?


So we’ve been in touch with Stellar for quite some time and have strong connections there. We’re working on reaching consensus to build on their chains and of course “general support”

ICO & Token Supply


When does the public sale start?


I’d expect that to happen within 1 week, exciting times!


What are the vesting terms for presalers and team public?


The team has 20%, the foundation has 20% and the other 60% goes to public / investors.

Not only the team but everyone involved in MXC has a lock-up. The only party that doesn’t have a lock up is the Public ICO section. We want people who believe in our vision! That’s the only way we can achieve our global vision as a brand, as a technological revolutionary! We’re determined to make MXC the token with purpose

Machine Xchange Coin (MXC) Token Distribution



Lots of good information from Aaron on MXC today.

If there are no other questions, lets all thank Aaron for his time.


Thank you to everyone for your questions!!!

Also a big THANKS to this community!

Communities like yours are essential in this industry! Get the questions out there and get to the truth. Thanks for providing such a valuable service to crypto!






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