The Wolf #33

May 30-June 4th, 2022

The Guardian Academy
3 min readJun 4, 2022


Welcome to another episode of the Wolf!


Real-world impact. One person at a time.

“Change is painful, but nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.” — Mandy Hale

Wolfiemonials are testimonials of members from the Wolf Den and how their lives are being changed while learning to play their own game.

Where to start… I joined the Wolf Den as an initial member from day 1 of it’s inception & launch (July 2021). At that point in time, I was struggling to make ends meet and I had just met a wonderful woman. I harbored much financial anxiety as I knew my career as a personal trainer wouldn’t pay the bills for raising a family in California. I had an online coaching business, but how i was being taught created friction with my core principles. I didn’t really understand why, until I attended one of @Nic P. coaching event in Dallas. At the time, I had hardly any fiat, I was barely paying the bills, but I knew if i went it would give me clarity around why i was feeling this way and conviction in my decision to go all in on The Den. So I paid half the event price to Brandon in $GUARD (now worth 250k probly lol). At the event, and throughout the last year, Nic has held the mirror up to me & has helped me realized many inefficiencies and false beliefs I was holding onto. He and the team have provided endless sources of invaluable content from which i was able to extrapolate many lessons and implement impactful changes to my way of thinking and my daily actions. In my opinion, the real value of the Den lies within these teachings of how to be a better human. Oh and the many figs are nice

Since the beginning of this year: I’ve launched a token of my own with the guidance of Nic & the team (Forge Finance) I’ve signed up for CCA and start in May (much excite, need brain transplant) I’ve began creating a new life for myself that is in alignment with what I truly want And I sat down with my girl (now in Luna Wolves, shouts to @kally !) and we created our solvable problems together to create a dream life for us and our family For that, i am forever grateful. Nic, Dicka, Doc Kev, Kally, & Wizard THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU DO

— Forge Finance (Guardian Tier)

All of these amazing stories will now be compiled into the medium below. If you’d like to share your story as well drop it into your respective tier in discord so that we can all celebrate along!

Our Focus

Lending Platform through KnightSwap now available

Be sure to read through the supporting documents and utilize the channel in KnightSwap discord for any questions.

Supporting documents-

How to documents-

Be on the look out as your favorite asset from the Wolf Den will be making an appearance to the platform shortly as well 😉

Must Read/Watch

Wolf Den Saturday with Dr. Jeff Spencer

1st Wolf Den Governance Proposal

This will only be available for silver guard and golden guard holders

DISCLAIMER: These articles are for educational purposes only. Nothing in this article should be construed as financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any sort of security or investment. Consult with a professional financial adviser before making any financial decisions. Investing in general and options trading especially is risky and has the potential for one to lose most or all of their initial investment


