The Wolf #34

June 5–11, 2022

The Guardian Academy
3 min readJun 11, 2022


Welcome to Episode #34. It has been an emotional month for anyone watching the charts. This is where frequency of exposure and macro beliefs truly expose that human mindset.

Just wanted to let you know that we are still here through it all, still producing. Can’t announce anything until it’s formally done but stayed tuned. 😉


Real-world impact. One person at a time.

Wolfiemonials are testimonials of members from the Wolf Den and how their lives are being changed while learning to play their own game.

“I’ve used a compound calculator to break down what my base case value in Fiat will approximately be each year till I reach my SP number and put it into a spreadsheet.

This has been a useful exercise for me in gaining perspective.

I think back in August I worked out that it would take me till April to fund my SP. Turns out was start of March.

When guard value then appreciated shortly after, I had hit my end of year 2 number in a few weeks. Now Guard where it is today I’m just slightly under my end of year 1 target.

There is still 9 months to be there or there abouts and still be well on track so no need for me to change anything.

Breaking out the SP into years has really helped me gain perspective as the Gap from where I started to the finish post can appear unrealistic, until you visibly see the magic of compounding is in the final years.

Interestingly I’ve now turned to asking myself this question. If the Wolfden & Crypto didn’t exist how do I go about solving the same problem?

Thanks to the Wolfden I would not be thinking in this way. I’m strategically thinking about my future now, how I can be better at taking responsibility for it and being a positive influence for the people around me.

‘The penny has dropped’ for me on many occasions outside of crypto this year when I have least expected it, which I attribute directly to the Wolfden.

The learning in the Wolfden is iterative so stick with it and let it compound.

Thanks again Den for continuing to share openly new perspectives and new concepts for all. ….. I’ll hide back in my shell now!”

AS Tortoise, (Wolf Pack Tier)

If you’d like to read more👇

Our Focus

Currently in restructuring and building out the best educational platform within the DeFi space and not just Crypto related. You know how the Wolf Den does it. As new additions come along be sure to check your respective tiers for the updates.

Must Read/Watch

Wolf Pups new training 3.3 added into the pup-strategy section within discord.

“Cognitive Distortions, Expected Value and An Introduction To Risk Adjusted Returns”

DALA on the Rocky Road

DISCLAIMER: These articles are for educational purposes only. Nothing in this article should be construed as financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any sort of security or investment. Consult with a professional financial adviser before making any financial decisions. Investing in general and options trading especially is risky and has the potential for one to lose most or all of their initial investment


