The Wolf Episode #27

March 20–26, 2022

The Guardian Academy
2 min readMar 26, 2022


Welcome back Wolf Den thanks for joining me on another episode of The Wolf.

Look who’s now registering on CMC for KnightSwap?

Be sure to go through your daily tasks to help out the ecosystem on CMC.

Read through some of these Wolfie-monials

This is the impact we’ve had. Reading through this just makes me so happy

Move over to Knight AutoCompounders

There is still about 13 million left in those compounders from Certainty. As soon as possible move them over to

You do not need to break the LP it is as simple as pressing remove then dropping it into the Knight autocompounder site.

Learn more

Important video to watch this week

And of course $GUARD is pamping. Lots more in store for the ecosystem but we will save any spoilers for maybe next week’s episode 😉


