FIFA Wolf Den Metaverse Style

The Guardian Academy
5 min readNov 30, 2021


Welcome to WolfSaw!

At our exclusive 50 attendee Degengineering Crypto event in Dallas we revealed our most exciting undertaking yet:

10,000 unique NFW’s (Non Fungible Wolves) mint that represent characters in an upcoming 3 on 3 international soccer league. We shared the concept, how it came to be and even a little bit about the game play in the Wolf Saw universe. You can watch the details below.

How Was It Received?

Initial NFT Offering (INO) on the Undead Marketplace on FTM

This is the placeholder image

Round 1: 69 for .69 ETH (sold out in 40 minutes after reveal)

69 “SicleCup NFWs” for .69 eth each. The holders of these “SicleCup” NFWs will get airdropped the rarest of the 10,000 NFW collection.

Round 2: The 420 NFW’s for .42 each have been sold out

2 of the original 69 (ultra rare) were set aside to gift to 2 random holders of the 420 supply round.

Round 3: The remaining 9511 currently ongoing

1 in every 20 will have ultra rare traits


Round 1: 69 for .69 ETH (sold out in 40 minutes after reveal)

Round 2: 420 for .42 ETH(sold out)

Round 3: 9511 for .069 ETH (ongoing)

Sneak peeks

Female Characters

Male Characters

Where do I buy the NFT?

The only Wolf Saws left are the 9511w can be bought at the website below

1 in every 20 have ULTRA RARE traits

How to setup your wallet & purchase

You will need ETH on the FTM side, start by setting up your FTM wallet & then purchasing ETH on either the ETH network or BSC network whichever you are more familiar with.

1. Click on the icon in the top right

2. Click on “Settings”

3. Click on “Networks”

3. Click on “Add Network”

4. Input the following information and click “Save”

Network Name: Fantom Opera

New RPC URL: https://rpc.ftm.tools/

Chain ID: 250

Currency Symbol: FTM

Block Explorer URL: https://ftmscan.com/

How To Bridge Your Funds From BSC To FTM

How To Bridge Your Funds From ETH To FTM

You Will Need Some FTM For Gas

There are time stamps for the video so you can skip to the specific section of the video. Since this video has been created there is a slight difference in the setup. Follow the new directions within the Spooky Swap discord.

How Do I Buy The NFT?

Press “Approve” then pay the gas fee in FTM

The approve button will then change to “Deposit”

You will then be able to deposit your ETH & Purchase the NFT

How Do I Claim My NFT?

Here is a walk through on the UNDEAD Marketplace Navigation

The contract address to add when you import the collection is


If you are importing this into your metamask for tracking the token decimal is 0

Final Mint & Reveal

Make sure you are subscribed to the relevant channels to keep up to date)

Announcement channel:

Everyone rowing in the same direction, this is a critical piece within the ecosystem to have the mint sell out.

Here is a quick overview.

WolfSaw NFW’s are on UNDEAD → TVL & Sales going through UNDEAD attracts FTM foundation attention → FTM foundation grant → UNDEAD is also on Dark Knight → More TVL on UNDEAD means more TVL on Dark Knight → FTM foundation grant #2→ All of these go directly back to you and supporting the overall ecosystem.

Not even close to everything that is in store but this should give you some insight & also is why we don’t resort to “marketing” & shilling.

#PlayChessNotCheckers ##degengineering

Prizes that have been given to Wolf Saw Holders

All of these can also be found in the Wolf Saw Official Announcement Channel


These next rewards were for the Feb 2022 Wolf Den townhall & anyone who held a Wolf Saw was eligible to win


