New Features, New Look: The New and Improved Wolf Flow

Jennifer Juedes
Wolf Flow
Published in
5 min readMay 1, 2018
Wolf Flow’s “Session View”

It’s been a busy year at Wolf Flow since launching our beta in the end of 2017. Our goal was to gain as much feedback as possible to help turn our software into a viable solution for curing our digital chaos and helping professionals increase their productivity. Over the last 5 months we have been receiving some insightful feedback from our beta customers and are excited to announce the launch of our new and improved desktop productivity software that will be rolling out in May!

The New and Improved Wolf Flow

For those who have either used or seen a demo of Wolf Flow, you may be curious to hear what has changed. You will have the option to select from 3 different tiers on our site giving you access to additional time saving features including:

  1. Hotkeys
  2. The ability to mute notifications in selected Sessions
  3. Automated time tracking & analytics

In addition to these three new features, you will notice our “sidebar” has a new look as well. Thanks to the feedback from our beta customers, we have redesigned the sidebar to alleviate some initial pain with Wolf Flow. We wanted to change the interface to help you navigate between your Sessions more easily, make it a bit more user friendly and add additional functionality.

We have also been working hard on the software interoperability and although it’s not 100% perfect, we have worked on the cooperation between many new third party applications to improve your experience.

Hotkeys provide more control

Wolf Flow first and foremost is a productivity company and what can make you more productive on your computer than hotkeys?! A quick refresh for anyone who is unfamiliar with “hotkeys”: hotkeys are a combination of 2–3 keys on your keyboard that when pressed together make something happen on your computer, basically a shortcut for the action you want to accomplish. For example, on Windows pressing the two keys Ctrl + A will select all text on your current page (on Mac the two keys are CMD + A).

Hotkey functionality

The Wolf Flow hotkeys will allow you to switch effortlessly between Sessions, open your Session View (previously the sidebar), and save or close your Sessions. We want to ensure we are making your flow as seamless as possible. You will also have the ability to customize your hotkeys to ensure Wolf Flow is not interfering with shortcuts you currently utilize. Hotkey functionality will be available in the Power and Pro tiers giving the more advanced users further control of their workflows.

Silent Mode increases focus

When you’re in the heat of a project, what’s more distracting than hearing pings coming in from your email or Slack channels? (Ok maybe your coworkers taping on your shoulder but sorry, we can’t help you there!) As you may have heard though, interruptions and distractions cause us to waste a lot of time. Some studies have shown that we waste up to a third of our day recovering from them and that’s just the beginning.

Silent Mode Navigation

We have created Silent Mode to give you control over when you want to be interrupted. Not only can you select which Sessions you want to turn Silent Mode on for (maybe for your more focus intensive tasks), you can also select which of your communication channels this will affect. As you can see in the wireframe, you will be able to select from your list of communication channels and browsers. For instance, let’s say you are working in your “Monthly Reporting” Session where you have Silent Mode turned on. In this Session you will not be notified of new pings or emails. However, if you switch back to your Email Session where you may have Silent Mode turned off, you will be pinged for these notifications. Silent Mode provides more advanced control for the Power and Pro users.

Automated time tracking & analytics

For those of you who bill clients based on time or need to be able to communicate to your boss how much time you spent on each project, Wolf Flow will be your saving grace. We understand it can be frustrating having to remember to start and stop your time tracker and nearly impossible to report to your boss if he asks how much time you think you spend on client X. Well no need to fret anymore. Wolf Flow will automatically keep track for you!

For Pro users who want the ability to keep track of what they spend their time on, Wolf Flow will automatically track what Sessions you worked in and for how long. For instance, one day you might sign in to Wolf Flow, open your Email Session, spend 15 minutes reading through emails, open your Reporting Session, and then after awhile spend some time in Project A. At the end of the day, week or month, you can navigate to the Wolf Flow Dashboard and easily pull a report showing exactly where your time was spent that day and send off to your boss. We do the work for you and the data will be stored for you to access at anytime (soon to be available through the online portal to access from anywhere as well).

Session View (the new sidebar)

Although these 3 features are going to be game changers, the biggest update you will notice is the redesign of our sidebar that allows for one click transitions between your Sessions. We heard your pleas for a less intrusive and more intuitive user interface and we would like to introduce, “Session View”! No longer will you navigate between your Sessions using a sidebar. Now, you will click the icon on your taskbar (or use your hotkeys) to open Session View giving you more visibility into what Session you currently are in, access to your settings and user guide, and view your Favorite Sessions. We are super excited about this change as it gives you more control and is what our customers have been asking for!

More Coming Soon

We have come a long way since launching our beta and have a stellar roadmap for where Wolf Flow is headed. That being said, we always want to know what is slowing you down on a daily basis and how we can improve our product to best suit your needs. In the coming months you will continue to see new features being added to help your focus and productivity and we will continue to listen to what you want! Thank you to all of those who have helped during our journey in creating your desktop productivity software. Your support, time and feedback is invaluable to us and we can’t wait to hear what you think of these improvements. Keep the feedback coming and if there is anything that you feel would help your productivity — let us know!

