“Nugget Boy” is Using His Fame for Good

Paolo Zialcita
Wolf Pack What
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2017

A month ago, Carter Wilkerson was just a normal teenager who spent his free time running track and hanging out with his girlfriend.

Today, Wilkerson is on the verge of becoming the most retweeted person in history.

“I put [my tweet] on my Twitter page, not even expecting more than 10 or 15 retweets from my friends and it blew up. Now, I’m the second most retweeted of all time.”

Wilkerson’s famous tweet.

To capitalize on his fame, Wilkerson and his family started a charity program where he sells #nuggsforcarter merchandise. They donate all proceeds to the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption.

Wilkerson recently surpassed 3.3 million retweets and is closing in on Ellen DeGeneres’ all time record of 3.4 million retweets.

Wendy’s has pledged $100,000 to the Dave Thomas Foundation if Wilkerson surpasses DeGeneres’ tweet.

“We actually reached out to Wendy’s and asked them if they could help us and if they could get on board with it. They said they’d help donate $100,000 to charity if we ended up passing Ellen,” said Wilkerson.

With over 14 million more retweets to obtain, Wilkerson is growing wary that he will get his nuggets.

“Definitely I don’t think I’ll make it to 18 million, I’m barely even getting to 3.4 [million] or whatever Ellen is at right now,” said Wilkerson.

Although he does not believe he will get his free chicken nuggets, Wilkerson is hoping he catches up to Ellen to take the record.

“Ellen is still within reach so hopefully I can pass her and hopefully I can get that record. That’d be nice.”

