Don’t mute important colors [short design critique]

Wolfgang Bremer
Wolfgang Bremer
Published in
Feb 14, 2018

If the app “Paper” by FiftyThree wants the user to understand how to share to their app “Paste”, then it shouldn’t mute important colors, or otherwise the user will be looking in the wrong place.

The user will be looking for the section with gray icons as shown during the “Paper” app’s first time user experience…

Muted colors in the “Paper” app’s first time user experience are misleading.

…which is not where the user should actually be looking (marked in red). The user should be looking at the area marked in green (the “Paste” app icon will of course also be out of sight as new share-to app icons are placed all the way to the right).

Because it results in the user looking at the gray icons (marked in red) although he should actually be looking at the row above (marked in green).

As a proposal, why not show how the actual share dialog would look like and highlight the “Paste” app icon instead of muting the colors.



Wolfgang Bremer
Wolfgang Bremer

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