EYE ON: Healthcare Startups changing the industry game

As startup lovers, at Wolfpack Digital we make sure to keep an eye on those remarkable startups that succeed in giving back value through innovation.

Wolfpack Digital
Published in
5 min readOct 19, 2018


2018 has proven to be a valuable year in the healthcare startups ecosystem. Targeting shortcomings and patterns that are no longer efficient, more and more startups are entering the market disrupting the health care system through launching solutions for direct messaging between doctors and patients, health tracking and recommendations or organisational structure in the medical field.

With so many great startups to look after, it’s getting harder to know where to look and seize the next break out, still, we did our best to gather some of our favourite healthcare startups and bring their stories forward. Here's what we got! 🦄

Capsule Cares — Everybody needs some looking after sometimes 💊

“A year or so ago, I sat down with a blank sheet of paper and began to draw what a pharmacy should look like. If we were to get rid of the pharmacies on every street corner (along with their aisles of candy and greeting cards) and focus on providing a better experience for people, what would it look like?” — Eric Kinariwala, CEO

Fast forward three years, they’ve built it. If you ask Eric, one sheet of paper and a pure desire to redesign one of the most archaic and most frequent interactions in the medical care was enough to build a new pharmacy — a faster, better and kinder one.

The problem they are solving seems pretty straightforward: you send them your medical prescription, they deliver the same day to your door and at the blink of an eye long trips to the pharmacy are history. Top this up with the core philosophy of their service, and you get Capsule.

They are all about rebuilding the pharmacy experience so as to meet the modern customer rapidly evolving expectations while at the same time, giving consumers control over their healthcare.

HeyDoctor — 👩‍⚕️

If you were looking for a way to visit your doctor but at the same time to skip the lines and get access to quick treatment, then this app in the real deal!

With a clear mission of making healthcare easier to reach, HeyDoctor has put together a team of doctors, developers, lawyers, designers and more, with the one goal to fix a broken healthcare system.

You can now get treatment, prescriptions, and labs from expert doctors right from your pocket — or, to be more precise from the phone in your pocket.

Atlas Biomed

You already know we’re all about startups that bring medicine and technology together, but this one got us stunned. Here's why:

Atlas Biomed was built with the presumption that we are all unique, hence, our body has its own way of reacting to different stimuli, such as bacteria.

“Your DNA and gut bacteria are unique. Knowing about them is your key to better management of health, nutrition and physical activity. With this knowledge, you can change.”

The Atlas DNA Test will provide you with a detailed genetic profile of your health, nutrition, physical activity, and geographical ancestry and it can be combined with the Atlas Microbiome Test. Two different boxes delivered at your doorstep collect the necessary amount of information to provide you with unique insights, not available elsewhere. The health control center in your pocket gives you access to your personal data, so you can explore your DNA and Microbiome test results.


This one’s really close to our heart. (Aww) 💛

It all goes back to 2014 when we were approached by Flaviu, CEO of Amplicare, to become their mobile partner, as they were launching their brand new application. We were to embed this application into new iOS/Android tablet apps, therefore replacing the old iPad app and extending the client experience to also include availability for Android.

Today, Amplicare is a company based in New York, helping community pharmacies gain more Medicare business, by offering a monthly subscription-based tablet application. The app allows comparison of Medicare plans, phone calls automation, identification of new revenue opportunities, display of therapeutic alternatives for patients and so on. With over 5,000 independent pharmacies using their services on a daily basis and $51 million increased ROI, we think of Amplicare as the epitome of innovation in the pharmacy industry.

Now, enough about other people's apps. If you have a killer app idea and you need someone to discuss it with, then you should know that our team's always ready to help you.

If you're still searching for an innovative idea, maybe this article written by Gina Lupu, our CEO, will help you out or, at least, set you on the right path to finding your niche.

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