Our story about Techsylvania and #LockHere, the mobile app that safeguards your bike.

Techsylvania has been great and unforgettable to us, especially as this year we got to partner with this event, being one of their Bronze Sponsors, which made everything all the more exciting!

Wolfpack Digital
Wolfpack Digital
Published in
5 min readJun 22, 2018


Shortly after the event, we moved from our old office to a new one! This captured all our attention for the time being. Still, we don’t want to miss the opportunity to share some of our best highlights of Techsylvania with you, so here’s our story from the Leading Technology Event in Eastern Europe in pictures, words and quotes.

There's an interesting story on how we moved in as well, so make sure not to miss it.

Techsylvania is one of the most important technology events in Eastern Europe, taking place every year in Cluj, the heart of Transylvania.

This year we got to be part of two days full of passionate talks, interesting QA’s and extremely informative workshops. From people to ideas that have been shared, everything tuned you in to the latest tech and business trends out there, and we loved it.

Techsylvania's Hackhaton gathered some of the most passionate tech people in Eastern Europe.

The intense 24 hours Hackhaton focused on connected devices and chatbots, and some of the most popular solutions and devices that could be used at the Hackhaton included Telegram, Slack, Messenger, Snips, IBM Cloud and Here.

Robi and Emil (two of our Wolfpack Digital team members) attended the Hackathon and built #LockHere, the mobile app that safeguards your bike.

LockHere notifies you when the bike senses motion around it, enabling you to see its localization in real time. This way, your bike is safe all the time and you don't have to worry about those steady thieves wanting to get their hands on it.

Having Rails as it's core, LockHere was pretty fast to build.

How it works.

After 24h of coding, a lot of testing and some last minute changes the Hackathon has come to an end and LockHere won one of the special prizes offered by Here — a 5 days trip to Krakow, where they get to code some more attending, one of the biggest Hackhatons in Europe. We're really proud of them.

A picture of the winners.

Our favorite thing about the conference? It has a really nice way of gathering attendees from all over the world, interested in code, product, founding, so you get to network and meet a really cool bunch of people.

Every day brought another set of amazing speakers with hands on experience in business and tech. Main subjects of interest include: future of AI, IoT, AR, blockchain, product development and management, company culture, financing and startups.

Here are some of our favorite highlights from the event

If you're following us on Instagram and Twitter, you might have already seen some of them.

Here's a recap.

We met Anda Gansca (Knotch) and Kate Manefield (New York Times) on the QA stage, talked about the future of advertising and the importance of knowing your customers.

The future of advertising is getting to know you customers really well.

Akis Evangelidis, shared the amazing story of One Plus, and the importance of getting constant feedback from you audience.

User relationship creates brand value.

We got to meet Sebastian Dobrincu, founder of Storyheap.

The only proven way to increase your chances of success, is to try more.

Ted Persson gave a great talk on product, empathy and and creating a user centric culture.

Being a founder means being able to give up control.

Leading the company does not mean leading the product.

Date your users on a regular base, so you get to know them well.

He even recommended some great books on Product Management, Product Ownership and Development.

Designing for emotion, by Aarron Walter

Sprint — How to solve big problems and test new ideas in just five days

Product Leadership: How Top Product Managers Launch Awesome Products and Build Successful Teams

This was Techsylvania for us this year and we can't wait for the next edition. Until then, make sure to stay tuned to our stories here, on Medium.

Thanks for stopping by,

The Wolfpack Digital Team

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