Wolfpack Digital opinion about IoT apps that are about to take over the world

We Have a Thing for the Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT (the Internet Of Things) is truly disruptive for our modern lifestyle, as it can improve our lives dramatically. At Wolfpack Digital, we have been developing IoT apps since day one.

Georgina Lupu Florian
Wolfpack Digital


According to the simplest of definitions, IoT is the extension of Internet connectivity into physical and everyday objects. We are at the beginning of an entirely new chapter in how we connect to all things around us: from speakers to toys and all the way to our fridge at home.

Here are some of the IoT projects in our portfolio, that may also provide inspiration to what gadgets to buy or, why not, to develop yourself.

As you can see, we just love IoT to the roots!

1. FashionTech Smart Jewellery — Vinaya (UK)

Vinaya’s mission was achieving digital detox by means of technology, as the company sold smart jewellery that would filter out notifications to ensure a real chance to remain mindful while attending personal meetings, for example.

FashionTech Smart Jewellery by Vinaya (United Kingdom) using IoT
A beautiful design meets app development for a more mindful lifestyle.

As the former Lead iOS Developer on the project, I can surely say that this is my favorite mobile app to work on as a developer.

Let’s have a look now at some Internet of Things apps developed by Wolfpack Digital in our 5 years history, by passing on the fascination for this field gained while working for the UK-based fashiontech startup to the team:

2. Microlocalisation for Moving Vehicles By Using Beacons — Transportation Innovation Company, UK

Although our work on this mobile iOS and Android project is partly classified and ongoing for several years, what we can say is that beacons make it easy to provide precise localisation when your location is moving. When GPS isn’t enough anymore and more localisation granularity in real-time is needed, beacons combined with a strong cloud architecture are the go-to solution. The technology can also be used to locate a person in case of an emergency.

Microlocalization using Beacons for Moving Vehicles for the Transportation Sector (United Kingdom) using IoT
Beacons are the go-to solution for macro localization in moving vehicles.

3. GreenTech App For Home & Office - RainDrops (Romania)

Can technology bring us closer to nature? RainDrops, our own greentech startup project that we are working on with other entities from Cluj-Napoca, is a smart flowerpot with a minimalistic design. It allows users to schedule irrigation for multiple plants using a single pot. The iOS and Android apps show you the happiness level of your plants, depending on the water level in the tank. At Wolfpack Digital, we’ve built the server, designed and coded the mobile apps, and we ensured connectivity via WiFi.

GreenTech Solution For Home & Office by RainDrops (Romania) built based on IoT by Wolfpack Digital Labs
Automating plant irrigation with the RainDrops smart pot and mobile app.

4. Smart Toy Ball — Storyball (Israel)

Storyball is a startup from Tel Aviv offering a smart toy ball and the accompanying mobile app so that children can benefit from a screen-free childhood. They are presented with physical missions in the mobile app which is connected to the smart ball by Bluetooth. The ball has a speaker guiding children to perform physical actions. We have worked on the iOS app since 2018, covering the Bluetooth connectivity and user interface implementation.

“We were happy with the work of the Wolfpack Digital team. It’s proven very useful, and we were able to manage the project from long distance. Thank you for your services!” — Chen Lev, CEO at Storyball

Missions for Kids Guided by Smart Ball by Storyball (Israel) built by Wolfpack Digital
How about a real-life mission? Have your Storyball ready and let’s go!

5. Perfecting Athlete Performance — Goalplay (Germany)

This iOS app is work-in-progress, yet we think it will be a huge game-changer in the sports world. The project helps performance athletes with their training, by means of smart sports equipment and machine learning. Everything is based on knowledge that was carefully collected from World Champions. We have been helping with connecting the mobile app to the electronic sports equipment via Bluetooth and with building the user interface since early 2019.

Improving Athlete Performance by Goalplay (Germany)
Will smart sports equipment and AI applications revolutionise sports?

That’s all, folks! For now, at least! Regardless of the field — fashiontech, greentech, transportation, entertainment, or sports — we promise to keep you up to date and to always be dedicated to and absorbed by IoT!

Wondering why you should work with us on your IoT project? Honestly, the answer is in two words: experience and passion.

Want to know what Wolves are up to? Check our blog posts with tech trends, how-to articles, and tips for entrepreneurs.

Want to work with us? Because Wolfpack Digital is hiring.

Want us to build your app? Because Wolfpack Digital is the right app development agency for that.

