We moved into a new office and built a mobile app for it. Here’s the full story.

From repositioning our visual identity to bringing newcomers to the team, this year brought a great bunch of changes. During the last days, we also moved from our old office to a new one, and we loved every single minute of the process.

Wolfpack Digital
Published in
5 min readJun 21, 2018


Here's why.

We can’t do ordinary, so we thought long and hard of how we could make this experience an entertaining one for our entire team. First, we decided to keep the location a secret. Then, spicing things up a bit, we put our heads and hands into building a mobile app with same professionalism as we do for our clients. Built and designed in no longer than 2 weeks, the app was meant to lead the Wolfpack Digital team trough a series of points and misleads to a final destination.

The hardest part in this journey? Keeping the new office's location a secret from all of our team members. And oh, man, this was hard work!

The Story

It all started on a Monday morning, after a month of questioning and wondering where the new place is.

It's 9:00 am when the team receives an email. They are instructed to split into teams of 5, and are given different starting points, a detailed set of instructions and a link to the app they have to download.

First quest of the Treasure Hunt.

9:30 am — Teams meet at their strategically given points. As soon as they download the app on their phones, a quest pops up. Every quest is a mystery they have to unlock, an inside joke or a riddle they need to find an answer to.

One riddle at a time, each quest opens a new location they have to get to. The GPS tracker opens a new quest only when the team finds an answer to the riddle.

From our very first office to some of their favorite places in the city, the app takes them trough a series of landmarks, leading them to a final destination.

Head over heels in excitement, our treasure hunt teams rumor around the city in search for the new office location.

Cluj Museum Square, and one of the teams in search for the office.
Robi shedding tears at our former office location.

An hour later, one team after the other, they finally get to the final destination, running, all smiling and giggling. And of course, we gave medals and a generous round of applause to the winning team.

Mihai, Adi, Cri and Dan arriving at the new office and getting their hands on the prize.

Now, on to our new location

We moved one block away from our old office. A beautiful house with a huge backyard that brings all the cozy, home-like feels to you.

Located on one of the historical streets in Cluj, central enough to keep you tuned to that electrifying city vibe but surrounded by nature and greenery, this place gives you a peaceful, relaxing state of mind and heart.

Cherries, apples, pears, raspberries, grapes, elderflower, mirabelle plums — our new office has it all.

Besides this great surrounding scenery, we took care of all the details that make a great working space. Our rooms are filled with natural light provided by the huge windows surrounding the building. There’s plenty of meeting rooms, a kitchen for the food lovers amongst us, and a huge table where we can all seat and enjoy meals together.

Inspired by the Danish Hygge concept, we designed a place that would make anyone feel that warm feeling of an actual home. Smug, comfortable and warm, our new office is marked by a friendly intimacy — a safe place for the creative minds.

Our new office as seen from the front yard.
Tiny path in our backyard — we're overjoyed.

We threw a backyard party — one of the many more to come

They say every great adventure ends with a party and we just could't wait for a first event in our backyard. So as a first day of work in our new office came to an end, we bought some artisanal beer and enjoyed a relaxing afternoon in our new backyard. Just as a great team of developers, designers and strategists would do.

Here are some of the first moments we shared in our new office we thought you might enjoy.

Just as any other great party, ours had amazingly tasty food treats, and Romanian made artisanal beer.

We're foodies, can't hide this one from you — a nice treat for our vegan team mates.
Foodies strike.
Adi's birthday was this week, so we had one more reason to celebrate.
Backyard prepping.
Light's just having fun in one of our meeting rooms.
We love bold colors, and some of us are really good musicians.
This is us — all similes, cuz we love our new office.

We hope you enjoyed our story, and if you ever want to visit us, know that the door is always open (once you ring the bell), and there's always a great story we can share over a nice, heart warming cup of coffee.


The Wolfpack Digital Team

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