Escape your comfort zone!

Esteban Pintos
Published in
5 min readNov 1, 2017


Note: This post was originally published in November 2017 and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness in June 2023.

Space is limited inside your comfort zone, and with that, we set our limitations. There’s no room for the thrill of the unknown, only the safe and the familiar. And so we distance ourselves from the fear of the unexplored.

The most common excuses people tell themselves:

I’m really good at this job/task, I don’t need to level up or learn something new. I will do what I know because I am already successful. I will save time and energy if I just stick to what I know.

I think it is so important to break this cycle of thinking, to know we can do more than our own set limitations. This post covers this through my experiences and how I broke out of my comfort zone.

Some time ago, I talked about breaking out of your comfort zone at a tech event by Accenture. During the talk, I noticed the audience's reaction: as I shared my experiences, they were also looking back on their life adventures. Their expressions and feedback inspired me to continue sharing my thoughts about this topic. So, I hope this post helps you reflect on your past experiences and what you could do differently in the future.



Esteban Pintos

Senior Software Engineer at WeTransfer | Former CTO at Wolox (Acquired by Accenture)