Persisting data in .NET Core

Keeping business and data layers apart

Marcos Trucco


This post is a follow up for Create an MVC Web App in .NET Core. We will be basing our example project on that post, in order to create an architecture using Entity Framework to persist data in our database. The code we’ll be using is for .NET Core 2.0, so if you’re using .NET Core 1, be sure to check out this post to see how to migrate to the next version.


The first step is adding what we’ll be calling a Repository. Repositories are classes that will handle how we store our information in the database. Having them ensures the separation between the business and data access layers on our application.

Let’s create a new folder called Repositories and add a new class, called MasterRepository.cs:

This new class will contain the basic operations you’ll be implementing, such as inserting new objects in your database, getting said objects, updating and deleting them. This repository is an abstract class (just like BaseEntity)since every other repository will be inheriting from this one, allowing us to code these basic functions only one time. The “options” attribute constitutes the options required to instantiate a DatabaseContext, which will allow us to connect to the database.

With that done, we now need to create a new repository, specific to the class we need to store. We’ll be creating a UserRepository. To do so we need to specify the inheritance, and we’re done. Here, we can add any methods that have an impact on the database but are specific to the users.

Our UserRepository.cs will look like this:

As you can see, we don’t need to specify the methods in the MasterRepository class. We only need to add any methods that apply to our model. In this case, we’re adding a GetByEmail method.

Now it’s time to add our new repository in our controller. First, we need a controller for our user model. The quickest way to create this controller and it’s basic CRUD views is with a scaffolding command. This will create a controller for our model as well as some useful views.

Make sure you have the following references in your .csprojfile:

Controllers and views

We can, for example, scaffold the UserControllerwith the following command:

dotnet aspnet-codegenerator controller -name UserController -m User -dc DatabaseContext — relativeFolderPath Controllers — useDefaultLayout — referenceScriptLibraries

The project should now look something like this:

If we check the project folder, we’ll see both the new controller and views. Here’s how the new controller will look:

With the controller created, we just need to add the UserRepository within its attributes. The repository will be receiving the database context options (here named just options) in order to create a DatabaseContext, letting us do the necessary transactions in our database.

We’ll set it as a private readonly property and create a getter so that we can access it securely.

Here’s how the new UserController will look like


We’ll also be deleting some things on the User views. On both the Create and Edit views, make sure to remove the CreatedAt and UpdatedAt in the forms, since users won’t be changing those attributes manually.


That’s it! Now we can run our application and check out the new features.

Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:5000/User. Here, you’ll see the new user administration site. Try adding a user! You should also be able to do any basic CRUD operations.

We can now add our own models and store the data in our database. Enjoy!

Make sure to stay tuned for the next post, where we’ll be showing you how to globalize your application!

