Overcoming the Fear of Messing Up in the Workplace

Wolox — English
Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2016


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At Wolox, our unique formula for taking on challenges and problem solving always begins with humor. We believe this is the ideal way to trigger creativity and innovation throughout the company. This philosophy is something we consciously seek to instill as an integral part of the Wolox culture.

A few months back, I read “The Artist’s Way,” a powerful book that through a series of exercises helps one discover their “creative self.” A truly personal experience. One of the activities that really stood out consisted of ridiculing monsters from one’s childhood that restricted creativity; ultimately not allowing us to grow. However, to grow, or keep moving forward there is something every individual needs to overcome, and that is the fear of messing up: the fear of new experiences, of leading a team, or of taking risks.

Messing up is what provokes new ideas, which challenges us to believe the impossible. It is what helps us welcome constructive criticism, change and learning into our lives. We must understand that from our mistakes come creation.

“The Artist’s Way” helped me understand the importance of humor and happiness at Wolox and the role these both play in overcoming one’s fear of messing up. That is why one of my personal goals is to ensure that people come to work happy.

A company that teaches its team to accept making mistakes and to be happy while doing so; is an organization in which change and innovation are constantly present. These changes are created by the acts of “messing up;” generating new ideas, creating new products and services and keeping the company one step ahead.

Wolox’ organizational happiness makes us stand out among others in the industry. This is something that is not achieved overnight, but instead through the dedication and passion of the company as a whole. We believe that by having happy teams, our clients will also be content, resulting in high productivity and innovation throughout the company.

Happiness has the incredible effect of being contagious. Which led me to this, “A small step towards individual happiness, is a giant step towards organizational happiness.”

Linkedin. santiago.baglietto@wolox.com.ar

