Wolverine Blockchain Project Preview

Sentiment Analysis + ICO Telegram Bot

Wolverine Blockchain
2 min readSep 5, 2018



Hello everybody, my name is Derek. I joined Wolverine Blockchain in October 2017 and have been leading a technical team since then. My specialization is around web scraping and natural language processing, and I really look forward to meeting new members and working on some exciting projects this semester.

What we accomplished last year

Last year, I led a team working on a Twitter sentiment monitoring project. We scraped Twitter for crypto-related keywords and fed the tweets into a natural language processing function to generate a sentiment score for each tweet.

Then, we compiled the sentiment scores, binned them into time intervals, and graphed the sentiment change as a function of time. To maximize reliability in case of power/internet-loss, we deployed the script to Amazon EC2 cloud. Here is an example of the output graph for one of the cryptocurrencies we tracked, Chainlink:

What we’re planning to do this year

This year, we are planning to build an open-source Telegram bot for Investor Relations (IR) management. Personally I have been in the ICO scene for a while, and one of the biggest challenges for most ICOs is managing their investor communities.

Having a well-organized website and an FAQ section are not enough, as most of us have the TL;DR mentality. Users prefer to fire away questions, and they expect answers from the ICO team.

Currently, most ICO teams hire “community managers” to facilitate day-to-day communications. But community mangers are not up 24/7, so an automated system could help create a better online community for ICO projects.

How you can help

We are currently looking for programmers with some previous experience, either from classwork, internships, or personal projects. Having some background in natural language processing will be a huge plus because the bot project involves parsing textual data. We plan to build the bot with a modular design, such that we can get our working-product out as soon as possible.

Throughout the semester, we will continuously add new functions and improve existing functions based on feedback received from our users. In the long-term, developing this open-source Telegram bot will increase Wolverine Blockchain’s exposure and visibility within the crypto community and could enable us to form even stronger industry partnerships.

