Wolverine Blockchain Project Preview

Digital Asset Group

Andy Reed
Wolverine Blockchain
2 min readSep 5, 2018


What is the Digital Asset Group (DAG)?

This year, we are launching Wolverine Blockchain’s Digital Asset Group (DAG). DAG will be focused on examining the digital asset landscape through the lens of an investor. We seek to answer the most pressing questions about the space, including what blockchain ventures are being funded? By who? And most importantly why?

What will DAG be working on?

To start, we will be extrapolating on the MIT Technology Review blockchain publication from earlier this year. We will also be examining the economics behind decentralized and distributed systems in technical detail. Specifically, we would like to research the cost of verification in the system as well as the cost of networking. We want to find out how various types of identity verification, such proof of work or proof of stake, as well as other methods, have different costs and benefits. We will examine the key problems that blockchain has the ability to solve, as well as the short-term and long-term obstacles. We also will dive into the utility that smart contacts can offer now as well as in the future.

How you can help

The group will largely be driven by curiosity in the space, so we are looking for inquisitive and persistent students of all backgrounds to join the
Wolverine Blockchain and DAG team. New members will have an instant opportunity to get their hands dirty with blockchain and digital asset research, and will be a huge part of DAG’s success. Interested students should attend our informational Mass Meeting on Thursday, September 13th from 5:30–7:00 in Ross Room 1220 and apply to join the Fall 2018 cohort on our website.

