Meet the Blockchain Experts Behind WOM

WOM Protocol
WOM Protocol
Published in
4 min readSep 18, 2018

We think the team behind WOM Token are pretty cool. And we’d like you to get to know us a bit better — especially the brilliant blockchain minds that helped grow WOM from the seed of an idea in coffee-fuelled war rooms, into the Protocol and decentralized ecosystem that is being built today.

Meet Daniel, Stefanie, Connor and Frank. Here’s a bit more about them and the motivators that get them out of bed every morning.

Daniel, Blockchain Economics Designer

Where are you from?

I’m from Munich, Germany.

Why WOM?

I know a lot of people active in the online marketing space and they all agree that the system is broken and it needs new ideas. WOM is interesting for me because it combines this very old concept of word-of-mouth and helps to digitize it and make it accessible on scale. The interesting part of word-of-mouth is, that it is very fragile and can be compromised in its integrity very fast when bands try to access or control it. Thanks to blockchain we found a great way to keep word-of-mouth genuine while making it accessible for brands.

What inspired you to get into blockchain?

I like the idea of public, decentralized and censorship-resistant blockchains enabling people to take back their power. This is an aspect which is hard to understand in the beginning, because there is so much hype around crypto and blockchain and most people just speculate and never look behind the curtain of price charts and that idea of getting rich (or poor) quick.

Where do you see the technology going in the future?

The ‘decentralized everything’ movement began with Bitcoin and essentially redefined how money works. This has created a ripple effect of changing economies on a global scale. It will take some decades and will require old generations to hand over to digital and mobile native generations, but this movement can’t be stopped anymore.

Stefanie, Token Engineer

Where are you from?

I am from Munich, Germany.

Why WOM?

WOM fascinates me because it ensures trustworthy content production. Eventually people may rely on recommendations by others as the quality of WOM content is secured through a decentralized curation market.

What inspired you to get into blockchain?

Blockchain inspires me as it enables a decentralized future in which interaction between participants becomes more sustainable and efficient.

Where do you see the technology going in the future?

I see a future that is decentralized. Blockchain technology will slowly become more and more adapted by the mainstream in eventually every sector and will then change the way we interact with each other.

Connor, Blockchain Developer

Where are you from?

I am from Glasgow, Scotland.

Why WOM?

It is evident right now in our society we are fed-up of dishonest/fake content, and WOM is a new way of marketing to solve this solution. The idea of WOM is truly bringing power to the users — instead of trusting fully one person for their recommendation, you can validate that this recommendation has been curated by other users, and assigned curators. This results in truly honest content you can trust.

What inspired you to get into blockchain?

Governments not being able to tell me when or how I can use my own money. This idea of true decentralization where a community can decide upon what actions are right is core to my beliefs, so that instead of having one entity that decides the fate of the community, the community decide their own fate through their own decisions, which is essentially a governance model built around DApps.

Where do you see the technology going in the future?

Our future will have blockchain so ingrained into our day-to-day that we will not be able avoid it. Similar to the internet in the early days, people laughed at the thought of people sending emails to each other, rather than letters.

Frank, Full Stack Developer

Where are you from?

Munich, Germany.

Why WOM?

WOM is a interesting concept to give power and rewards back to fans and content creators.

What inspired you to get into blockchain?

I bought bitcoin in 2012 to play around with it. As a developer I was interested in the technology. I fell into a deep rabbit hole…

Where do you see the technology going in the future?

I hope open, distributed and decentralized ledgers take humanity to the next level without borders, intermediaries or inequalities.

If you have any questions for any of the team don’t hesitate to leave a comment below or get in touch on any of our social channels.


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WOM Protocol
WOM Protocol

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