How WOMAN are you?

As decided by men, women and society alike

Danielle Bellini
Woman: Who we are already
3 min readJan 30, 2017


So what makes us a successful woman? It is marriage? Kids? A career?

It’s no secret that women have to wear many hats throughout their lives. We have to be smart, educated, keep up our appearance and be extremely dedicated to every facet of our lives in order to be taken seriously and respected.

If we get married too young we aren’t living our lives to the fullest and experiencing “who we really are”. If we get married too late in life, then our clock is ticking and our single lives lasted a little too long.

If we have kids really young we are most likely going to regret it and wish we would’ve traveled more and explored life without the responsibilities of parenthood. On the other hand if we wait to have kids we are faced with the inevitable: “When are you going to settle down and have kids? Haven’t you done enough? You better start now if you want more than one kid. You don’t want to be the “old” parent.”

And if you don’t want to have kids at all….blasphemy.

“Anything may happen when womanhood has ceased to be a protected occupation.” -Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own

Not to mention the stigmas of being either a working mom or a stay at home mom. Working moms don’t see their kids enough and should be more devoted to keeping the household together, while stay-at-home moms don’t do anything and should never complain about being exhausted because you literally stay home all day.

Please keep in mind these are not my opinions at all, just simply using the extreme opinions of society to make a point about how ridiculous they are.

How are we, as women, ever supposed to feel like we are living up to these high standards? Whether we are single, working to further our careers and passions or women who marry young and start a family pursuing their own passions of motherhood — Why do we have to confirm that what we are doing is right?

Through every avenue of our lives we are expected to prove ourselves. We have to fill the shoes of a man (career-wise) and the shoes of a homemaker/50’s housewife (at home).

Why hasn’t society evolved its views of women as women have evolved into crazy awesome multi-taskers ready to take on the world?

And further… why are women EVER judging other women based on how they choose to live their lives? We should all be championing one another and breaking down these stigmas. The power is literally in our hands to break free of what society feels a woman should do and be.

Whether we are working to create a fulfilling career for ourselves or starting a family, it’s importatnt.

Can we all just agree that nothing a woman does is easy? Can we please stop tearing each other down for the things in life we are not fulfilling and start empowering each other for all the incredible things we are doing.

A woman’s role in society is more than a career choice, a choice to get married, or if we choose to have children or not. We are all beautiful individuals with different aspirations and purposes for our lives. Let us, together, change the way society defines what it is to be a woman.

