write with womanized

Emma Paul-Ebiai
2 min readSep 1, 2020


womanized is a new medium publication with the mission of sharing authentic women’s voices. We care about the things you care about, especially the things that push the limits of what society understands a woman to be. We want to create a community which celebrates unique voices and experiences, and makes other women around the world feel less alone.

What makes womanized different, is that we believe being a woman doesn’t mean anything in particular. Although there are experiences which connect us all, we want to hear about the ones which surpass the superficial and push our society to see women as complex, whole human beings.

Our writing is personal, complex and deep, just like ourselves.

  • Unpublished drafts from new and experienced writers
  • Stories which tell us something about you, and might make someone out there feel seen
  • Passionate writing. Whether it is fiction, film reviews, essays, comics, humour pieces or anything else, make sure you’re writing about something you care about
  • Writers wanting to join a community and build a following for themselves based on good quality writing

If you are interested in submitting a piece, please fill out this form and expect a reply within 48 hours.

