4 Signs You Aren’t Mentally Prepared To Give This Holiday Season

Giving for the wrong reasons is just as bad as not giving at all.

Melissa A. Matthews
Woman’s Rant


Photo by Photoholgic on Unsplash

As Christmas and the end of the year inch closer and closer, we all become inundated with opportunities to give. It’s inevitable in a year like 2020, wherein so many things have gone wrong for so many people. Those of us that are doing well or reasonably so, might feel compelled to give to those whose circumstances maybe different from our own. However, some of us aren’t really prepared to give and sometimes, giving when one is not actually prepared to give freely is more detrimental than not giving at all.

For example, earlier this week, a social-worker friend of mine put out a request in a group chat for help to get a high school student’s books. The child had spent most of this first term of online school without a single book. This was not a particularly unusual request in my network as I work in the NGO sector on an island. The idea of the “village” is still very much alive even in our modern society. The ask was for secondhand books or any help that could be rendered. Another person in our network forwarded the request to her network and the response was a barrage of questions…

“Who is this social worker? who exactly is the child? Where does she live, etc.? Why doesn’t…

