Empowering the Community: Your Ultimate Wombat Governance Handbook

Wombat Exchange
Wombat Exchange
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2023

The highly anticipated launch of Wombat governance is right on the horizon! As a community member, you play a crucial role in voicing your ideas, engaging in discussions, and participating in voting processes. To guide you through this exciting journey, we’ve prepared a comprehensive guide to show you how it’s all done. Let’s jump in together and join us in shaping Wombat’s future!

Getting Started in Wombat Governance

In the journey of creating and voting on proposals, there are several essential steps to ensure a thorough and democratic process. Familiarize yourself with the platforms where you can engage in discussions and share your ideas with the community:

Discourse Forum:

Our dedicated governance forum on Discourse serves as the platform where ideas and discussions come to life. Active participation is essential to posting your own thoughts. To begin, read at least 30 posts, spend at least 10 minutes exploring topics, and actively engage in a minimum of 5 discussions.


After thorough discussions, it’s time for voting. Snapshot facilitates off-chain voting, with the weight of each vote determined by the number of veWOM held.

While only the Wombat team has the ability to create voting proposals on Snapshot, if your proposal successfully passes the consensus check phase, our team will provide guidance and support. We’ll delve deeper into the consensus check process later in this article.

What are the steps in creating a proposal?

When creating a proposal in Wombat Governance, it is important to understand the two phases involved: Temperature Check and Consensus Check.

Phase 1: Temperature Check

The Temperature Check phase serves as an initial assessment of community sentiment. To create your proposal, go to the [Temperature Check] section on Discourse, follow the proposal structure and post your proposal with the label “Temperature Check — [the title of your proposal].”

Community member can support you by liking and commenting on your post. The post will last for 7 days and the moment your post receives at 15 votes or more, you’ll move right on to the next phase.

Please note that only the following types of proposals are eligible for submission in our governance for formal consideration:

  • Adding a new token or creating a new pool with bribe
  • Adding bribe to exisitng pool/token

If you have other ideas or suggestions that don’t fall within these categories, you can still share them in the [idea] category for open discussions.

Phase 2: Consensus Check

During the Consensus Check phase, the discussion becomes more formal as we strive to reach a consensus. Here’s a simplified breakdown of the steps involved:

  1. Improve Your Proposal: Utilize the feedback received during the Temperature Check phase to enhance your proposal. Create a new post in the [Consensus Check] category, titled “WIP # — [BNB/ARB] [Your Title Here],” and link it to the discussion thread.
  2. Admin Approval: All work-in-progress (WIP) proposals will be published prior to the approval of admins or moderators. Contact an admin to initiate a new Snapshot poll by mentioning “@admins” in your post reply. Ensure you provide essential information like the proposal content, relevant links, Temperature Check thread, and Consensus Check thread.
  3. Conduct the Snapshot Poll: The poll will be active for seven days. Remember to include the Snapshot poll URL in your Consensus Check thread.

As the proposal owner, you’re responsible for staying neutral throughout the voting process and address any questions or concerns raised by community members.

The option with the majority of votes will win. For consensus, a veWOM yes-vote quorum of 18M veWOM (30%) for both chains, along with over 50% yes-votes, is required. Once a proposal passes the consensus test, a one-day timelock is implemented before execution.

If the “Make no change” option wins, the admins or moderators will close the Consensus Check topic. To resubmit a proposal, a 7-day cool-down period is required. During this time, you can make revisions based on the feedback you received from the community.

Final Thoughts

The governance system of Wombat is all about being open, trustworthy, and involving everyone in shaping the protocol’s future. If you’re excited to get involved, we warmly welcome you to join our lively discourse forum and follow the steps we’ve outlined in this article!

We truly believe in the power of community-driven decisions and embracing the spirit of decentralization. Together, let’s pave the way for a thrilling future!



Wombat Exchange
Wombat Exchange

Hyper efficient multi-chain stableswap. #BNB and beyond.