Wombat Exchange is Launching Governance!

Wombat Exchange
Wombat Exchange
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2023

We are thrilled to announce that Wombat Exchange is gearing up to launch its highly anticipated governance in early June. With this development, we aim to bring decentralization and transparency to the forefront of our platform, empowering our users like never before.

What exactly is governance?

Governance is a way for our community to actively participate and shape the future of Wombat through voting power. Unlike centralized systems where decisions are made by a select few, decentralized governance puts the power directly into the hands of our users.

By leveraging their voting strength, our community members have the unique opportunity to directly influence the decisions that drive the growth and evolution of our platform.

The significance of governance in Wombat

Governance is about taking a community-driven approach to decision-making. We firmly believe that the collective wisdom of our users and stakeholders can guide us in making better choices for the entire ecosystem, compared to having the decisions made by our team alone.

It’s all about ensuring that every voice is heard and that together we create a platform that truly reflects the collective desires and aspirations of our community. Together, we can build a stronger, more resilient platform that meets the needs and desires of our community.

How to participate in Wombat’s governance?

We will provide a comprehensive guide that outlines the governance process, making it easy for you to navigate through the various steps.

As a veWOM holder, your governance power is directly tied to your veWOM balance in Wombat’s WOM governance framework. The more veWOM you have, the greater influence you wield.

The governance process consists of two major parts: the Temperature Check and the Consensus Check. These stages ensure that proposals undergo thorough scrutiny and evaluation from the community.

Our governance system is designed to accommodate a wide range of proposals. Your voice matters, and this is your chance to shape the future of Wombat!

When proposals move to Snapshot, all veWOM holders can deliberate and decide on the outcome by voting according to their veWOM weights. Your vote counts, so make sure to have your say in the decision-making process!

Final Words

We invite you to join the Wombat governance and become an active participant in shaping our platform’s direction. To get involved, simply stake your WOM tokens and acquire veWOM. This will grant you the power to influence decisions and make a real impact on the future of Wombat.

Together, let’s shape a stronger and more vibrant Wombat ecosystem!



Wombat Exchange
Wombat Exchange

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