A letter from Wombat’s CEO

Adrian Krion
Wombat Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 15, 2022

Dear $WOMBAT holders and members of the Wombat Family,

I know times have been tough and the outlook is uncertain when it comes to crypto market development, so I want to reach out to you with my view and thoughts.

Our vision for Wombat is to bring a billion gamers into Web 3, and for almost four years we’ve been working on realizing as much of that vision as we can. Given we’ve managed to get over 3 million people to use our platform to date, it looks like there’s still a long way to go (and there is), but the first million(s) is always the most difficult, so we’ve already come a good part of the way.

On the other hand, the adoption speed of Web 3, also in gaming, is very much dependent on the overall market sentiment and hype factors, so we cannot discard the current market conditions entirely, even if our operating business itself is fairly independent of crypto market swings, in general.

The upside of crypto winter is that we’re able to focus on the core values and work on the foundations of our business, product and the utility of the WOMBAT token rather than having to follow a new hype every week like in bullish times.

Here’s a little update on what we’ve achieved in the past month:

  • We launched Dungeon Master Season 5 with the new Season Pass and Well of Wealth feature
  • We sold over 550 Season Passes to the most active of the over 10000 players of the game this season
  • We launched $WOMBAT staking for utility rewards
  • 15 people have staked at least 200k $WOMBAT and reached level 5 VIP
  • Over 70 people staked at least 50k $WOMBAT to become level 4 VIPs
  • Over 13.7 million $WOMBAT are currently staked for utility
  • The minimum amount of $WOMBAT required to reach the top 50 at the time of writing sits at 50320 $WOMBAT
  • We’ve been celebrating Womplay’s second anniversary with a ton of prizes and thousands of users participating in activities, including the War Alliance tournament with over 400 sign-ups
  • We kept improving the Wombat app and added a new category of games (crypto games) which will launch soon

At the same time, we’ve been working on some of the over 30 action items we got on our list to proliferate $WOMBAT’s value and foster a healthy environment for everyone involved with us.

The action plan

In order to be successful, we clearly need to outperform the overall crypto market. To achieve this, we’re working on providing additional value for the $WOMBAT token based on four pillars:

  1. Capturing an amount as large as possible of the circulating supply through Staking by providing utility to stakers
  2. Improving branding for the token and visibility by building a healthy Ecosystem
  3. Increasing usage and liquidity by essentially utilizing the $WOMBAT token through Rewards
  4. Permanently removing tokens from circulation by Burning them

Since we’ve mostly been communicating aspects from the first pillar, it’s high time to start introducing concepts for burning $WOMBAT tokens, thereby reducing the total supply of tokens forever. We’ll announce the first token burn mechanisms by the end of this week, so stay tuned.

The outlook

A lot needs to be done and improved to create the thriving ecosystem we are planning. We’re still in the early stages of the crypto markets and will be contributing to the growth and success of the general concept of Web 3, especially in the context of gaming. We’re huge believers in the potential of Web 3 Gaming, so it’s basically inevitable to be a success. It’s only a matter of when.

We love our community and our token holders, so whenever you have feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us and bring it forward. At the same time, if you’re wondering how you can contribute to the success of the Wombat Web 3 Gaming Platform and the $WOMBAT token:

  • Go download the Wombat app or the Chrome extension
  • Play games
  • Trade NFTs
  • Play Wombat Dungeon Master
  • Stake $WOMBAT
  • Join our community hub on Discord

All of this will help build the future of gaming.

Join The Wombat Family!

Our team and other community members will be happy to discuss all things blockchain gaming, NFTs, blockchain, games and whatnot. Come say hi on:


