All benefits of Wombat Prime

Olga Ivanova
Wombat Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2023

Hello Wombat Family!

Over the years that Wombat Prime has existed, we stuffed it with tons of awesome features and benefits! It has gone well beyond just free actions on EOS and WAX, so we do understand that it might be hard to keep up with all the changes. On the other hand, there’s also the VIP system that has its own perks… So which way to go? Below is a quick summary of all the benefits to consider

Benefits of Wombat Prime

  • 3x boost for the Weekly Cashout. Without committing extra Wombucks, Prime subscribers will receive triple the reward they would get without using Prime. This only concerns the weekly cash-out events, not NFT rewards.
  • A special lootbox with daily NFT rewards. Collect alphabet letters (MP of 20) and blend them into words, medals and trophies with even more mining power in Dungeon Master. You can see the full list of available blends here.
  • Unlocking the private keys instantly. Previously, one had to continuously be subscribed to Prime for six months to have their private keys unlocked. With the new Prime, you won’t have to wait!
  • No delays on NFT quests. Get your NFT reward as soon as you complete the quest!
  • Up to 200 free actions on EOS, WAX and Telos.

Benefits of VIP staking

The VIP staking benefits go beyond just the Wombat app. They include the entire ecosystem — the Dungeon Master game, the $WOMBAT token and any future products we may release.

The VIP perks range in seven tiers, depending on the amount of $WOMBAT tokens staked. Some VIP levels are entitled to a free upgrade to Prime — so you might get the best of both worlds! You can see the full breakdown below.

Overview of the Wombat VIP perks

To sup it up, both Prime and VIP staking offer a large variety of perks. If you’re somebody who actively uses dApps on Wombat and wouldn’t want to worry about resources, consider the Prime subscription. But for someone who wants to maximize their Dungeon Master playing experience, we’d say VIP staking is the way to go.

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