Dungeon Master receives its biggest update!

Adrian Krion
Wombat Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 13, 2023

Dear Dungeon Master players,

We’ve had a lot of things brewing, so now it’s the time to get the word out about. We’re presenting the biggest Dungeon Master game update ever made during a running season!

A few of the things we’ve been building are already live as many of you have noticed. Others will be delivered to you within the next few days. Let’s start with the ones which are already live:

  • We’ve launched the new Fire and Time Spiral Wombatiums (Fire will be available in the Shop from next week)
  • We increased the maximum Clan size from 15+1 (5 original + 10 additional members + leader) to 40+1
  • We increased the XP cap per run based on the run duration
  • We’ve consolidated the logic for “More NFTs” and “More packs” into a joined “More NFTs” boost that actually boosts both, making all of the respective items much more powerful

So what’s coming up this week or soon after that:

  • We’ll adjust the logic to send out packs to VIP stakers — any VIP eligible for VIP Packs, Dark Matter Packs or Season Passes will only receive those if they’ve staked the current level for at least 3 weeks. This is to prevent “VIP hopping”, which is exploiting the current VIP system.
  • We’ll remove the following Wombatiums from the Shop — if you want more of them, make sure you craft them now: Elemental Wombatium, Fairy Wombatium and Palette Wombatium. This doesn’t mean they won’t come back eventually, but since they’ve been under-used we’ll first find more usages for them before bringing them back in some form
  • You’ll be able to level up your Sidekicks. Each level they gain will mean a 1% bigger MP boost for the respective collection, i.e. a level 30 Sidekick (which is the maximum level) will grant a 50% boost. Sidekicks will gain experience from accompanying wombats on dungeon runs but will have to level up separately using a new NFT item called Power Bar. The Power Bar will become available in the Shop and, in future seasons, also in the Well of Wealth
  • And maybe the biggest one: The $WOMBAT token bonus earning system!

The $WOMBAT bonus earning system will allow ambitious players to earn a lot more rewards each season, starting with a total of 10M $WOMBAT to be handed out this season already!

How it works

Any player yielding at least 35000 Contribution points on any given day will be granted a bonus on that day. The bonus is quadratically proportionate to the Contribution. This means to get a 2x bonus, you’ll need to have four times the contribution. The daily pool of tokens will be fixed and will remain the same every day to sum up to 10M at the end of the season.

The contribution bonus does not stack from day to day and does not carry over to the next day, so you will need to reach that threshold again. All bonus amounts from all days in the season will be summed up to a total bonus, which will then be paid out at the end of the season with the traditional payout.

We hope to give back more to the community this way and, as usual, we’d love to hear your feedback!

We will, of course, inform you again once each of these important changes are about to go live.

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