Huge changes coming to Dungeon Master!

Olga Ivanova
Wombat Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 21, 2023


Hello Dungeoneers! With the new season approaching, we decided to introduce more crucial changes to game balancing to make the game fairer for everybody. At the same time, we see more avenues for Dungeon Master to become even more integral in the utility of the $WOMBAT token.

With this in mind, here are the changes we’re going to implement in Season 12.

Leveling the playfield

We have already introduced boosts for new players last season. Starting from Season 12, new players will also compete in a separate ‘league’ with its own prize pool. They will remain there for the first three seasons of their playtime before joining the more seasoned Dungeoneers and competing with them.

Changes to the payout structure

Dungeon Master, for the large part, was detached from the $WOMBAT tokenomics, despite having the potential to really drive it up. Hence, for Season 12 and onwards, we will default all payouts to$WOMBAT.

That means the total payout will be split into two parts, 1.5M $WOMBAT tokens for the new players league and 13.5M $WOMBAT tokens for more experienced ones. The points value will also be fixed at 100000 points = 500 $WOMBAT.

This will not affect the $WOMBAT bonus pool we introduced earlier this year. So the additional 10 Million $WOMBAT tokens bonus stays as it was.

Balancing out the Dark Matter packs

Ever since the introduction of Dark Matter packs, they have grown to topple the game’s balance instead of a sign of appreciation for our strongest supporters. After a re-evaluation, we designed a more optimal solution.

The Dark Matter packs issued to VIPs levels 6 and 7 will be replaced with a non-transferrable NFT that will get 10000 mining power, one and two to be sent to players of each level correspondingly. In addition to the Non-transferable NFTs with MP, VIPs in level 6 and 7 will receive a new type of pack with similar configuration as the Dark Matter packs but with very low MP. These packs are designed to be opened.

Generally, players will still be able to buy Dark Matter packs from the drops. In addition to that, we will be introducing a limit to Dark Matter packs staked, capping it at 50. Every pack beyond that will receive an MP penalty. For the time being, the penalty is set to 50%, which may change in the future.

The latter will lay the foundation for our diversification mechanic. Moving forward, we’d love to see more variety in NFT setups used in the game.

Continuation of Dungeon Master

While working on Dungeon Words, it’s become so clear to us that we’re building on a foundation that still hasn’t bloomed to its full potential. And while we are adamant about Dungeon Worlds being the natural next step, we realize that there is a lot we can do still to truly make Dungeon Master into a title that’s ‘reviving blockchain gaming’.

Hence, we decided that for the time being, we will continue running Dungeon Master indefinitely. With more updates planned in mind, we commit to taking more time to improve Dungeon Master even further, making our game a solid, fair and fun introductory ground for Dungeon Worlds. This will call for further structural changes — so stay tuned for more updates on that front!

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