UnlimitedPlay: Free CPU for Wombat partner-dApps

Alexander Heckel
Wombat Blog
Published in
3 min readNov 15, 2019

We are thrilled to announce that Wombat covers all CPU costs for decentralized Apps (dApps) enrolled in our UnlimitedPlay partner program. This means that users can play selected games with Wombat and simply enjoy them without worrying about CPU anymore. The games Chain Clash and EOS Racing are the first two dApps who participate in our partner program and who benefit from free CPU.


Driven by the Eidos airdrop the EOS mainnet suffered (or benefitted?) from CPU price surge as of November 1st 2019. The price surge revealed that super low cost resources on EOS is just an illusion of which we have forgotten that this is one. We were reminded that — despite the awesome scalability of EOS — there are still limits to how much the network can handle and that resources on any given decentralized network are scarce and therefore pricey.

Within only a few hours after the Eidos airdrop started CPU prices went up to 10 EOS/ms, REX rates went up to 0.6% per month and eventually REX ran out of supply. Users and dApps were not able to borrow EOS anymore and mostly were not willing (or able) to buy more EOS to meet the increased staking requirements. As a consequence the number of daily active gaming users on EOS went down by more than 50%.

Wombat’s take: CPU Partner Program

Wombat is all about great UX and helping average users to enjoy dApps with ease. We want to remove all entry barriers for first-time users and want to make EOS dApps more accessible. New EOS users should not care about the CPU prices just as users of HTML5 games should not care about prices for an EC2 instance on AWS.

Therefore, Wombat launched the CPU Partner Program called UnlimitedPlay which enables enrolled partners to hand over the CPU cost from the user to Wombat. Neither the dApp nor the user have to worry about their CPU anymore, as long as users play with the Wombat wallet. With this offering Wombat leverages the possibilities of EOS 1.8 update.

Chain Clash and EOS Racing

To kick off the new CPU Partner Program we are honoured to announce that the games Chain Clash and EOS Racing will participate in our program. All users who want to play those games without staking any CPU just have to download Wombat and start playing. We are very glad and proud to start with those games since they push the boundaries of blockchain gaming and are hot candidates for the top EOS games in 2020.

Free CPU for other dApps

In addition to the UnlimitedPlay program, we still believe that Wombat users should be able to use the EOS network without worrying (or even knowing) about CPU despite the high prices. As a result, we’ll be rolling out an updated CPU staking mechanism that will allow users to perform a few arbitrary actions for free every day. Meanwhile, Wombat Prime subscribers will enjoy much higher limits for transactions as usual. Stay tuned for updates, we’ll keep you posted!

Let us know what you think! Make sure to follow our twitter account for feature and partnership announcements. For any feedback and inquiries, our telegram community will be waiting for you!

