Apply Now to the SouthMed Women in Audiovisual Program

Kelsey Moore Johnson
Women and Hollywood
2 min readAug 22, 2017
Credit: SouthMed WiA

While Hollywood continues to overlook its blatant disregard for inclusivity, programs around the world are working towards leveling the playing field. Women in Audiovisual in the Southern Mediterranean (SouthMed WiA), a project funded by the European Union, is the latest to get on board.

SouthMed WiA aims to enhance the role of women in the audiovisual profession, specifically throughout the Mediterranean’s southern region. Targeted countries include Algeria, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, and Tunisia.

Per its website, by funding six to eight female-led projects, SouthMed WiA hopes to “contribute to sustainable development and cultural diversity by enhancing the image of women in the film sector.”

Beneficiaries will undergo “research activities, training, and awareness training and advocacy.” In addition to a monetary amount, participants will also receive “capacity building, networking activities, and continuous coaching.”

Beneficiary commitment to SouthMed WiA will run from this October to February 2019. During this timeframe, SouthMed WiA will simultaneously produce campaigns to promote gender equality, a documentary on young female filmmakers, and a regional final event.

Projects are chosen based on relevance, potential and feasibility, proposed budget, previous experience, and communication and dissemination.

Visit SouthMed WiA’s website to apply and find out more. Applications will be accepted until September 15, 2017.

