Taylor Swift Wins Sexual Assault Lawsuit

Kelsey Moore Johnson
Women and Hollywood
2 min readAug 15, 2017
Taylor Swift: “Jimmy Kimmel Live”/YouTube

After four long years, Taylor Swift’s sexual assault case has finally come to a close. As reported by Vanity Fair, jurors determined that D.J. David Mueller “assaulted the pop star by grabbing her backside during a backstage meet-and-greet.”

In 2013 Mueller was fired from his job as a result of his actions, which occurred at a photo op during a pre-concert event. Two years later, Mueller sued Swift for $3 million, claiming that she “rendered him unemployable” after she reported the assault. Swift then countersued for a symbolic amount of one dollar.

Over the past week of testimony, the trial proved its cultural importance in a number of ways. Questions posed by Mueller’s lawyer exemplify the very reason why sexual assault reports (unfortunately) continue to be few and far between. For instance, defense lawyers scrutinized Swift’s reaction — and therefore her supposed personal responsibility — following the event, suggesting that victim blaming is still very much alive in U.S. courtrooms. Even a female plaintiff as high profile as Swift is questioned when she takes ownership of her own body.

However, Swift remained steadfast and confident throughout her testimony and cross-examination, consistently turning the blame back towards her assaulter. When Mueller’s lawyer asked how she felt about his firing after the incident, she stated, “I am not going to allow your client to make me feel like it is any way my fault because it isn’t.” This response is, arguably, the trial’s most important takeaway — for both Swift and the countless women she now represents.

Following the verdict, Swift acknowledged the “privilege that [she benefits] from in life, in society and the ability to shoulder the enormous cost of defending herself in a trial like this.” She intends to donate to multiple organizations that “help sexual assault victims defend themselves.”

