Trailer Watch: Real-Life Love Story “Dina” Presents an Unconventional Protagonist

Kelsey Moore Johnson
Women and Hollywood
1 min readAug 17, 2017

“Dina’s” official synopsis promises “an unconventional movie protagonist the likes of which haven’t been seen before.” Its newly released trailer promises the same.

This real-life romantic comedy follows Dina, an “outspoken and eccentric 49-year-old” and her relationship with her fiancé, Scott. Dina shares that she never planned this. “I didn’t plan … ever getting married again,” she reveals. “I accepted and embraced single life.” Now, she must make peace with past tragedy, prepare for her upcoming wedding, and learn how to live alongside Scott — who has only ever lived with his parents — day to day.

Although both Dina and Scott are “neurologically diverse in a world blind to the value of their experience,” they view physical intimacy in different ways. Whereas Dina is curious, Scott remains apprehensive and “afraid of doing something wrong.” Nevertheless, Dina remains formidable as they try to meld their lives — and their respective challenges — into one. “You’re more than special,” Scott reminds Dina. “You’re still here. There’s something to be said for that.”

“Dina” won the 2017 U.S. Documentary grand jury prize at Sundance.

Directed by “Mala Mala” helmers Dan Sickles and Antonio Santini, “Dina” opens in theaters October 6.

