
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Get organized without getting overwhelmed is the way to succeed at any project at any stage at any time. I’ve contributed to bestselling books and am finalizing my first solo book for publication next year. I’ve done it all while working full-time, either in my business or at a job, and while living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Brainstorm — anything and everything that needs to be done.
  2. Make a list — put those brainstorming ideas into list form.
  3. Assign people and deadlines — since you may not be executing everything yourself, list who will be responsible. Include a deadline for yourself on your tasks.
  4. Set aside time — designating time is essential, or nothing will happen.
  5. Do it, then review your progress.

That’s it! Write a book, start a business, clean out your closet now with these five steps.



Michelle Forsyth
Women Entrepreneurs 360

Michelle Forsyth is a bestselling author, speaker, & productivity coach. Discover more on stepsteppick.com