Michelle Forsyth
Women Entrepreneurs 360
1 min readJul 23, 2021


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

The struggle is real. You’ve got a thousand things on your to-do list, and some projects take more time, effort, and mental capacity. As a freelancer and entrepreneur, I’ve got deadlines, client meetings, coaching sessions, and more. But, we know you can’t get everything done at the same time. Even when you divide up the projects with calendar blocking, some will get done faster than others. One way to get things done more efficiently is to work on them during your optimum productivity time. I call it your “sacred” time. This is the time of day your brain is at its peak. You’ll get more done in that time than any other day. So, block this time for your special project time, and make sure you work on that big project during that window. If you do it consistently, you’ll be done before you know it!

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Michelle Forsyth
Women Entrepreneurs 360

Michelle Forsyth is a bestselling author, speaker, & productivity coach. Discover more on stepsteppick.com